Atheists - I've heard it said no one is an Atheist on their "death bed" Do you think that may be true ? Thanks
Answer : If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill.
Hmm, not a bad idea.
If I get over 5 thumbs down its only because the God haters love me show much.
[If I get over 5 thumbs down its only because the God haters love me show much.]
Either that, or it's because people think you're a dick.
"Atheists - I've heard it said no one is an Atheist on their "death bed" Do you think that may be true ? Thanks"
No. I think that a few atheists may panic when confronted with death and grasp at any straw presented. I think some atheists pretend to convert for the comfort of their believing family members or simply to get attending believers to STFU. I think many Christians promote the death bed conversion stories because they fervently WISH those stories were true. But, I think most atheists are true to their own understandings and do no convert to Christianity or any other non-sense.
"Answer : If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill."
What a delightful person. How would you like it if we all hoped you would DIAF.
"Hmm, not a bad idea."
No, it is a decidedly bad idea.
"If I get over 5 thumbs down its only because the God haters love me show much."
No, it's because five or more people with more than 3 brains cells read your post.
"Answer : If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill."
If all atheists really converted on their death bed (they dont) then theres no point in praying for atheists to be saved or witnessing to them because everybody dies eventually meaning if you were right you wouldnt have to worry about saving atheists (and you dont but not for that reason).
Eat Bertrand Russell's ass. For dessert, have some of Isaac Asimov's dick. They died as untroubled atheists.
If you're still hungry, snack on Richard Feynman's pubes. Same story - you fail.
Yes, it's true, we all secretly convert to Confucianism at the last possible moment!
Incidentally, so do all Christians.
If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill.
Upon getting halfway through this sentence I honestly believed you were going to propose leaving us atheists the fuck alone until we're dying, thereby saving yourself much effort and saving us a lifetime of aggravation - but no, you had to go with the psychopathic mass-murder answer, didn't you, you fucking monster.
My father died last night. He was a double amputee with diabetes who saw more suffering his last five years than anyone deserves.
If anyone had a reason to look forward to an afterlife of bliss, it was him.
He was an atheist on his deathbed.
And just a note to any fundie commenters who are going to tell me how he is burning in hell right now.....
a big pre-emptive fuck you.
I'm sorry about your father, and I'm sorry he suffered so much.
That being said, I will double your pre-emptive FUCK YOU to the fundies.
If I get over 5 thumbs down its only because the God haters love me show much.
If it's any consolation, you're getting 5's all around over here.
Last time I was near death (clinging desperately to the side of a mountain, and about to fall) unless god's name is "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" then I can honestly say the idea of god never enetered my mind.
Foster Disbelief , I'm truly sorry for the loss of your father. We're always too young to lose a parent. I wish you well.
With all of your hateful tripe aside..I find it funny your name is Albert Einstein for 2 reasons:
#1 - You arent near as smart.
#2 - Einstein concidered your religion to be childish mythology for people with a childish view to the universe.
If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill.
Go right ahead. Every scientifically valid study done on intercessory prayer has shown zero effect. Pray your asses off. Want to rent some knee pads?
“Atheists - I've heard it said no one is an Atheist on their "death bed" Do you think that may be true ? Thanks”
No. I have stared death in the face and did not pray to any gods for a do-over.
“Answer : If its that eas to get an atheist saved, then maybe we ought to all be praying they get fatally ill.”
Yeah, stone cold certain you’re a bout to die. That’s a plan just full up of generosity and love.
“Hmm, not a bad idea.”
Since YOU think yuo’re going to paradise when you die, maybe we should do YOU a favor and toss you ff a cliff?
“If I get over 5 thumbs down its only because the God haters love me show much.”
Uh huh…
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