unknown #fundie demonbuster.com
This spirit is so strong and powerful that Elijah was so afraid that he ran from this spirit and hid for fear of Jezebel killing him. However, as we know the story of Elijah and Jezebel we know that the Lord JESUS is more powerful than any demon. But to let the people of God know the wiles of the devil we have to let them know how a demon operates.
Stan and I were given a Prophecy from the Lord, and in this Prophecy the Lord said, "Spring forth now with this end-time move for MY PEOPLE ARE DYING. Bring forth now My vision to the earth...saith God". This is what we are trying to do with the Internet site. God wants the true DELIVERANCE of JESUS taught for His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We must be strong and go forth and do the works that JESUS did for the night comes when no man can work. John 9:4
Back to Jezebel... Divination is rising its ugly head in the churches today. You see it on television and we hear of it from people who come for DELIVERANCE. This divination is part of the witchcraft of Jezebel... Prophecies... God's people are going around in utter confusion because of ungodly prophecies.