“You make fun of the Saviour because you are ignorant”
No, that’s not the problem. I make fun of Lich Jesus from sufficient knowledge. And a lot of time thinking about it.
I just came to different conclusions than you did.
“and you don't know that the time has already come”
But that shouldn’t matter, right? if i die before Judement day, i just sit in the grave until the horns blow and then find out my eternal disposition.
“Yes, Jesus is already among us!”
Feel free to offer a reason to think that?
“I know from a VERY reliable source that Jesus is already on the Earth and currently lives in Taiwan where He conducts lectures.”
Uh huh…
“The second coming is already a FACT.”
It just was promised about 2000 years ago.
“Right now you don't know but soon you will know - when He comes to America.”
This was written in 2007, right? Lotta promise, no follow through
"But then it will be too late”
Ain’t that always the case? ONCE i get enough proof to convince me, i’m too late.
"Mind you, I'm just writing this to warn you and cause you to stop this sinful activity - you will regret soon.”
This is just so YOU will feel better, thinking you’ve made an effort.
If i already spent time laying out why Jesus is a Lich, not a Zombie, i’M doomed to Hell already, right?
Why would i stop, now?