When a gunman kills ten children in a school, we’re fools to think every family was sincerely seeking God in their home. Most were not. Sometimes God takes children away to protect them from being led astray by parents who are defying Him. Sometimes He takes children away to discipline parents who have turned those children into idols. Sometimes He takes children away from parents who are doing everything right because He wants to push those parents on to the next plateau of growth.
Keeping parents from being led astray: But the parent would more likely seriously question whether a god exists or how benevolent it is. That's kind of counterproductive, no?
Turning children into idols: So Gobs wants people to stop caring for their own children? That's despicable.
Parents who are doing everything right: PTSD is NOT a plateau of growth.
Besides, these examples kind of apply to every parent. That means it's up to Gobs' caprice who lives and who dies.
Sometimes God has children killed because God has a trivial bet with Satan that the children's father will still worship God regardless of that misfortune (Book of Job).
Happily however, unlike the God you like to pretend to worship, the christian God 'grew up' from its old testament incarnation into its considerably more mature and admirable new testament incarnation, as explained by Jesus. Unfortunatley for you Anna, if you want to be a christian, its the new testament God you need to worship and learn from, not the old version. You'll find the christian God is very much into love, forgivness and understanding.
In summary, dont pretend to be a christian if you are not willing to accept the christian God. If you dont want to worship the christian God, and would rather worship the old Jewish God, then stop fucking about and piss off to the synagoge, or create your own hybrid religion like The Prophet did.
And sometimes he takes them away for shits and giggles
(Sorry about the swearing, but in this case I think it was warranted)
That's the God I refuse to follow!
"kill Dem kids before they have an opportunity to think for themselves!"
I wouldn't be surprised if god killed innocents as a way to teach murderers a lesson: "I'm the best murderer"
The more I hear about this god the less I want anything to do with him, real or not. Thankfully, I don't think a cosmic extortionist like that exists but if it did I'd worship used toilet paper before I worshiped him. At least the used toilet paper helped someone.
Sometimes He takes children away from parents who are doing everything right because He wants to push those parents on to the next plateau of growth.
Hurricane Katrina destroyed nine Baptist churches while leaving the "sinful" French Quarter with its gay pride parades relatively untouched. The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 destroyed almost every church in the city while leaving the red light district relatively untouched. If God had the IQ of a rabbit, He'd know that killing or devastating religious people in obscure and unfathomable ways is the best way of driving people away from Him.
BTW, if killing children to "help" the parents is OK, then you'd be OK with abortion?
"He wants to push those parents on to the next plateau of growth."
So why the fuck can't he just "push the patents on to the next plateau of growth" then? Why can't he just give them a push? Last I checked, pushing someone didn't require killing children. Why does god have to have children killed to do that? Isn't he omnipotent? Couldn't he just magic the parents on to the next plateau the way he magicked everything into existence from nothing? Why is killing the kids the only way to do that? And what about the kids' free will? Isn't killing them violating their free will?
I used to hear fundies I knew saying that other people's problems/tragedies were just God "bringing them to their knees", i.e., reminding those people that they were straying off of their moral or spiritual path somehow, and they needed to get back to prayer, etc. It always struck me as arrogant and judgemental, as if they weren't having difficult times because they were mote righteous. Someday, Anna, life will bite you in the ass, and I wonder which of your fans will be blogging about why it did.
You also seem always to disregard the Christian principle of the free will of man, which certainly would apply to school shootings. I guess it's much more fun to look down your nose and imply that the victims' families might have had it coming, huh?
So God doesn't care whether the parent is loving, caring and competent; it doesn't even care if they're a good Christian. It just brings upon tragedy for an unreasoned sick kick. Wow, just when I thought your deity couldn't get any worse, Anna.
"God takes children away to protect them from being led astray by parents who are defying Him."
They were f-ing SHOT! It wasn't subtraction! Was it really necessary that they suffer like that before dying? For what purpose? And for that matter, why does God need a starship a lunatic with a gun and some bullets?
Get back on your meds, you bipolar loon!
@Sammettik another version:
"What's that? Your kids got murdered? Well, FUCK your kids! You're so selfish, putting YOUR kids over MY guns."
-most teabaggers
“Sometimes God takes children away to protect them from being led astray by parents who are defying Him”
What a load of bullshit.
In the Bible, God directs his chosen people to wipe out more than a few people, some just for being ‘in the way.’ Apologists tell me that God can do this, because those people practiced evil ways. And he can do this even to innocent kids, because he knew they were going to grow up just as evil as their parents .
Also, in The Flood he’s killing every single man, woman, child, baby, fetus, sperm, and egg. He’s not in the habit of saving people from their fate.
YOU GUYS are in the habit of trying to frame God’s COMPLETE INACTION and failure to intercede as a positive action, not a sign that no one’s up there, no one’s coming to the rescue. Ever.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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