(And species do change. People are so much taller than we were 500 years ago.)
Errr, Rusty, actually that proves good nutrition, not any theory of “evolution”. You could add in folks are getting fatter, for that matter. Proves people are eating too much, but not much else. Now, if you an example of someone turning into a literal “whole ‘nother animal” then you’d show “evolution”. But nothing has ever turned into something, so it just ain’t gonna happen.
There are big dogs and little dogs, but they are are all still dogs, Rusty.
(And our pinkies are slowly disappearing.)
Well, yours might be, Rusty. I’d see a doctor bout that if I were you.
"(And species do change. People are so much taller than we were 500 years ago.)"
Errr, Rusty, actually that proves good nutrition, not any theory of “evolution”.
That's what evolution is, dumbass. Evolution amounts to small changes over extremely long periods of time which, all taken together, create new species. If things carry on as they have been, in another 1,000 years the average height will probably be around 7'; we will not have finger-or-toenails; our appendixes will have finally vanished; body hair will be a thing of the past; most Humans will have interbred to the point of being a light mocha brown.
Our descendents will look at Mankind of the 21st century and marvel that such a primitively evolved people could have ever achieved what we have achieved.
Apparently to fundies just the smallest changes in a species over time isn't evolution. No, it has to be a turtle laying ostrich eggs that hatch into praying mantises who grow up to give birth to a beagle who then gives birth to a blue-footed booby which then turns into a stegosaurus which then lays an egg that hatches a tadpole that morphs into a flamingo and then a koala and then a zebra and then a liger and then a guinea pig which then the guinea pig mates with a manatee which produces a seahorse that then spawns into a sea monkey because it ate sea bananas and then the sea monkey decides to crawl out of the water and climb up a tree where it turns into a regular monkey which then gives birth to a human. Or something to that affect. Or is it effect with an E? Oh who gives a high-flying fuck, I hate fundies!
Wow. Retard arguments on both sides...
1. Tuberculosis resistance in some people. While you laugh, that tiny resistance prevents them from dying to a disease that slaughters a good proportion of people who contract it and cripples the rest with ease. People don't realise that this kind of evolution is just as revolutionary as opposable thumbs.
2. We are not losing our pinkies. We need them. My pinkies are quite valuable. Hard to play most string instruments without a pinky. Like my violin. We need them to do things. I need them to hold my martinis!
Our bone structure has changed and is still changing. The little toe and the pinky has gotten measurably smaller. The sphenoid bone in our skulls has been tipping more and more.
None of the above mentioned would be affected by nutrition.
Except when they were wolves, originally.
Ponder Stibbon's contention that fish went out of the water and evolved into bananas made more sense than purpleperv's statements.
I thought the toes would be the likely candidates to disappear since they seem to be vestigial.
Fundie doesn't seem very Fundie. He's just rather narrowminded IMO.
(And our pinkies are slowly disappearing.)
Eh? If anything, I've heard that our later generations may start actually developing extra fingers since we use them so much in daily activities.
People even now are born with an extra finger or toe. It's a mutation that's probably occured in humans for thousands of years, probably even more than that.
I wouldn't exactly use that article you linked to as an argument for evolution. It was more satirical than scientific. I mean, the smilodon evolved into the opossum? Hell, humans are more closely related to saber-tooth cats than opossums.
@ J-Hay
It's true most of the examples provided there are a bit far-fetched and a whole lot more arguable than, say, "monkeys" evolving into humans, also, the article is definitely satirical and written for purposes of entertainment (that being one of the reasons I posted it here), but it has to have at least some scientific background, no-one would ever bother making this up.
In addition to that, fundies have a hard time believing what they call the "monkey -> human" thing, and this seems just about enough to make their heads explode.
"...Now, if you an example of someone turning into a literal “whole nother animal” then you’d show “evolution”. ..."
No. Then you'd have magic - you know, what you fundies believe in as the explanation for everything you don't understand.
Errr, Rusty, actually that proves good nutrition, not any theory of “evolution
He's right about that part at least. The change in height is not a proof of evolution in itself.
Hadn't heard about pinkies growing measurably smaller. It doesn't seem like there should be any real selective pressure on it.
But basically all the traits humans seem to be (as a whole) differentiating themselves by seem entirely without real selective pressure.
Well our brains have gotten bigger.
In.. *ahem* many cases.
I'm glad the fundies have at least decided that genetics is so blindingly obvious it must be true and they've accepted this so-called 'microevolution' - It means they're losing ground.
By Jesus, the guy is right! For the first three sentences, at least...
There are big dogs and little dogs. They are still dogs. But they came from WOLVES dammit! Think! For one minute, THINK about what is coming out of your mouth!
Eating too much makes you taller? Pulls out the Chocolate cake 5'10" here I come!
As far as dogs go, humans have bred them this way. If dogs were allowed to breed without human intervention you end up with a yellow shepherdy husky looking thing.
"Now, if you an example of someone turning into a literal “whole nother animal” then you’d show “evolution”."
I bet if I pointed out caterpillers turning into butterflies you'd change your story.
People did evolve because we learned stuff and our genes mutated from their first state because that's what happens genes mutate just in the last 6000 years look at what has happened, like probably appentdics had uses about 6000 ago for the vegan diet before Noah and then when we started eating meat it was useless.
"ow, if you an example of someone turning into a literal “whole nother animal” then you’d show “evolution”."
I think we should be fair, and acknowledge that this fundies first argument is correct. The growing size of people is mainly the effect of better nutrition (and perhaps better housing, better hygiene etc.)
It would be better to point to other effects which show very clearly natural selection effects in humans. Example: Drepanocytosis (sickle cell symptome). This mutation has strong disadvantages (red blood cells have reduced oxygen storage capacity), but it gives heightened immunity to malaria. Therefore, this condition is prevalent in malaria-infected areas of Africa.
Evolution is adapting to a changing environment, right? Better nutrition is part of that environment, isn't it?
After all, I've had about as much nutrition as my husband, growing up, but he's over 190 cm tall and I'm only 163 cm tall. It's genetic as well as environmental.
Whales evolved from a land-living quadruped. They still have the pelvic bones to prove it. Eureka: something turning into something else.
Sure, there are big dogs and there are little dogs, but they are all still wolves , stupid. They haven't speciated just yet. Give it a few thousand years, though...
Individuals don't evolve, species do, stupid.
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