Darthdiddler #fundie forums.worldofwarcraft.com
Obama is the Antichrist
All the signs are there; does anybody else see it?
- He will be indwelt and empowered by Satan
- He will rise to power over 10 nations [from the old Roman Empire ... Europe?!]
- He will somehow be 'diverse from the rest' so we are not certain he will be European
- He will bring peace, yet conquer through treaties and war
- He will be very, very popular around the world
- He will be a great talker and speech maker
- He will likely be charismatic and physically attractive, like King Saul
- He will receive what appears to be a fatal wound to the head
- He will appear to be resurrected from the dead
- His right eye may be blinded and his arm completely withered
- He will enforce a "peace" plan or resolution [covenant] upon nation Israel
[It doesn’t say he signs this treaty, but he enforces some coming 'peace plan' or resolution]
- He may help to get the new Jewish Temple built in Jerusalem
- He will appear to perform miracles ("lying signs and wonders")
- He will require that everybody on Earth receive a mark or identification on their
forehead or hand and nobody will legally be able to buy or sell without it
- He will stand in a new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and declare he is "God"
- Unspeakable terror and war will then engulf Earth for exactly 3½ years (1260 days)
- He will direct the slaughter of millions of Christians and Jews
- He will lead the armies of the world into Israel . . . Armageddon.