I'm pretty sure [atheism]s become a belief system like Christianity.
["I'm pretty sure you're wrong."]
Becouse athiests dont -believe- in evolution or the big bang theory, amirite?
There is a difference between belief based on concrete evidence, and belief based on blind faith.
Science is the former. Christianity, and all other religions, are the latter.
Also, the Big Bang conjecture (note I said conjecture, not theory) is bullshit. There is evidence indicating that the universe could not possibly have begun from an explosion.
Evolutionary theory, on the other hand, has been proven, both through fossil evidence, and through lab tests.
At least your grammatically incorrect signature ("My literary prowes are unmatched") was somewhat amusing.
[Becouse athiests dont -believe- in evolution or the big bang theory, amirite?]
Actually, you're wrong.
Atheists don't believe in the supernatural. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Actually you're right. They believe that the FACTS support those theories, they have no 'faith' in them as such, and if new facts come out that make it clear those theories are false, they accept where they were wrong, and move on, even if it means discarding significant chunks of what they thought they knew. Imagine that, admitting you were mistaken! It must be terrifying to be a Christian, always wondering if somewhere, somehow, you were ... wrong! ... about something.
Typically, -accept- evolution, and/or the big bang theory. You can believe in something while it has no basis in reality, you seem to have grasped this concept well, even if unwittingly.
Quite a few Atheists don't believe in Evolution or the Big Bang Theory, most of them because they just don't care. It's not like these concepts affect their everyday lives, so why bother with them?
I'm only intrested in Evolution, Geological development and History all at the laymen level and even less than that on the Big Bang Theory.
I'm wasn't a Christian before I looked into things like that. Something I also looked into was the history of your Bible or to put it straightforward the various religions that were plagarized to make your Bible.
Atheism is a LACK of belief in gods, silly. There is no system, no beliefs.
Becouse? Is your spellchecker broken?
Yeah, there's the traditional spelling-error of "atheists"...
No, we don't believe in science, we accept and recognize the evidence and the repeatable experiments.
Don't you "believe" in math and geography, Rappy? How about meteorology and photosynthesis?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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