Roy Moore needs to sue the state of Alabama and uncover the blatant election fraud that happened tonight.
If possible, he can force another election. It's a long shot, but it has precedent: New Hampshire had a Senate re-vote in 1975 due to the election in 1974 being razor-thin.
Don't let 'em win.
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Moore is not conceding. Good.
I hope he sues for recount after recount. Keep Jones from being seated for months. Uncover all the fake Dem votes that materialized out of nowhere in Jefferson County.
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Or maybe, juuuuuust maybe, Moore lost fair and square because even the right-wing people of Alabama have standards they won't cross. Such as electing a sexual predator.
Honestly, it did wonders in restoring my faith in humanity.
Yeah, they had a re-election in '74 in New Hampshire... Because the candidate was chosen by 2 Votes!
Doug won by over 20,000 votes.
The far right meltdown has begun. It's sad that Trump's reponce is more reason able then others. He is just acting like he never supported Roy Moore in the first place and was always loyal to Luther Strange.
This election wasn't fixed. Doug Jones only won because all the minorities, women, and moderates came out in full force to support him and together they slightly outnumbered white evangelical Christians. He wouldn't have won if those allegations of sexual assault didn't come out.that motivated people to vote against Moore.
Still this was a huge victory for decency.
Someone that you didn't vote for being elected, is not fraud, honey.
Like Trumpettes said after the presidential election "you lost, get over it".
If it was possible, most of the world stands behind another presidential election.
Your petty thin-skinned narcissistic snowflake of a president thinks that anyone who doesn't agree with him is fake. Don't be like him, dearie, have some sense.
Roy Moore is now Less
Matt in Egyptian river
Haiku for Doug Jones
This Doug is making you pull your head off, Mr. Porney: And he didn't even need to use Sarcasm, Dramatic Irony, Metaphor, Pathos, Puns, Parody, Litotes and... Satire.
But the Metaphorical Dinsdale Piranha will nail your head to the floor: with the hammer of Reality .
How do you figure they came 'out of nowhere?'
The opinion polls in Alabama are deeply neglected. There isn't really a machine in place to get an accurate survey of who wants what in that state. So election day was always going to come as a surprise...
Matthew Forney visits,
That river found in Egypt,
He will not believe it,
Even when he sees it,
You lost. Get over it.
Given how tribal people are in Alabama, I was honestly worried that Republican voters would go for Roy Moore just because he's the Republican candidate. It was worrying enough that people seriously were having difficulty choosing between voting for a pedophile and voting for a liberal.
And by that 20,000+ margin too, which is slim by most places' standards but actually pretty large considering how close Alabama races tend to be.
Roy Moore (weeps, while clenching fists and teeth, in anger): "It's not FAIR!! Trump got elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES despite allegations of him being a sexual predator!! WHY THEN DID I LOSE?????"
With a million majority already against him and the church
counties still to be heard from. I'm afraid we've got no choice.
This one?
Charles Foster Kane Defeated, Fraud at Polls
That one.
When you have a theoric 10 points lead, and lose 10.5 points because
_your candidate is very bad
_your candidate is found to be a dangerous criminal
_your party is lukewarm at best suporting your candidate
_the opposing party has an excellent candidate
_the opposing party makes winning in alabama a national cause
Well, in such circumstances, the result is really logical. Unlikely, but made possible by the circumstances.
@Salami They did vote for Moore. For an off season election there was double the voter turn out then expected with an overwealming number of groups that normally wouldn't vote at all voting against Roy Moore. In Alabama I can see Blacks, woman, and others seeing voting against a repub as being pointless so normally they won't vote at all. I hope this has woken them up.
It was a race between a hypocritical child molester and a man who brought child murderers to justice.
In a sane, rational world the child molester would have lost by about fifty points more.
Of course, even if you thought it was a sane, rational world before then, the last thirteen months would have disabused you of the notion.
"blatant election fraud"
"I hope he sues for recount after recount."
And I hope he gets kicked out of court and shown for being a petulant, whinny child if he does.
And if he does sue for a recount:
As Alabamians go to the polls on Tuesday to vote in the special election for the Senate, one thing is clear: their votes remain at-risk for suppression, hacking and outright fraud by Republicans. The state is a leader in the South for disenfranchising black and Latino voters. In addition to the passage of restrictive voter ID laws, Alabama Republicans have been enabled by the US Supreme Court to close nearly 200 polling locations. On Monday night, they scored another legal victory when the state Supreme Court decided that election officials are not required to preserve digital ballot images from Tuesday’s election.
The stay was issued late Monday night, in response to a decision by a circuit court judge who sided with plaintiffs in a lawsuit which argued that the state is required to keep voting records for at least six months.
Wouldn't it be poetic justice if Moore was told "We can't do a recount--we destroyed all the ballot images just like your party wanted."
Christmas has come early this year.
I just read that Roy is probably not going to get his recount. Apparently people who have held public office in the past are not allowed to pay for recounts themselves, & the numbers are not close enough for the state to do an automatic recount. I think the numbers had be within 0.5%, & Jones won with 1.5%. Let Roy & his majini make all the racket they want-we all know that they're full of shit & are just whining that they lost, again.
How is he going to "uncover the fake dem votes" when his cronies on the AL supremes took an entire half an hour (YESTERDAY, no less) to countermand a judge's orders to KEEP the electronic images of the votes. They've probably burned or shredded the paper ballots by now and purged the records.
The "it ain't over til it's over" caveat is that those are the live votes. They haven't counted the absentee military votes yet.
Good point. Well, okay, maybe more like "sort of frightening" point, given how even my conservative parents were upset that Moore was still a contender at all and didn't resign, as well as disturbed that people were seriously defending what the man did. But Repubs in Alabama couldn't somehow.
But hey, I hope that the turnout shifting the results encourages more Alabamans to vote!
Well Matt we can always do a recount. I mean after all Trump lost popular election, now this. Maybe there should be an investigation
Let me COUNT the ways he lost amirite.
You know what is even worse Forney?
Don't worry Forney, there is probably cream for your butthurt
@Dr. Weird or any American
Explain to this non-American, please - how in the fuck can it even be remotely considered appropriate to destroy records of ballots so quickly? The whole point of keeping records like this is so that if there is any credible allegations of wrongdoing by anybody, regardless of political party or anything else, you can refer back to these records to check those allegations out. It protects both Republicans and Democrats. The only way it advantages one side more is if that side is knowingly doing something dodgy and wants as much evidence of it as possible destroyed as soon as possible. The very fact that Republicans want those records quickly destroyed should be the basis for an investigation into exactly why that is the case.
Explain to this non-American, please - how in the fuck can it even be remotely considered appropriate to destroy records of ballots so quickly? The whole point of keeping records like this is so that if there is any credible allegations of wrongdoing by anybody, regardless of political party or anything else, you can refer back to these records to check those allegations out. It protects both Republicans and Democrats.
Well, exactly. I don't see any valid reason either. I really think your second point is correct.
The only way it advantages one side more is if that side is knowingly doing something dodgy and wants as much evidence of it as possible destroyed as soon as possible. The very fact that Republicans want those records quickly destroyed should be the basis for an investigation into exactly why that is the case.
I don't know if Republicans cheat every election or not. But they clearly like to have that option; and when the differences between exit polling and official vote tallies skew in the GOP favor just about every stinking time it's hard not for a rational person to not think that they cheat and want to cover their tracks. For all their bleating about "freedom" and "democracy", they don't care about fair and free elections--just as long as they win. I really believe that.
The Republicans are utterly convinced that there's "massive voter fraud" favoring the Democrats. How could there not be? No sane person would vote to protect the poor and minorities, or vote against installing a theocracy. And America is not an insane place. Well, maybe some of the minorities are insane, because they refuse to accept their God-given place of being treated as inferiors, and vote for what's good for them and not America. But minorities can't possibly tip the balance on their own, so it must be fraud. Therefore, they reserve the right to manipulate the voting totals in various ways, in order to "balance out" all the cheating that Democrats do.
In reality, Democrats *did* sometimes used to do that... using the exact same kind of logic. But as far as anyone's been able to determine, not in any major election since the mid 1960s. That hasn't stopped the Republicans from believing it's still going on, the Democrats are just better at hiding it or something.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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