[discussing theories relating to the origin of the universe]
Really the best expanation and easist to believe is the one where God literally created it all in 6 days. If everyone believed that then those scientists could get to work on something really important like finding a cure for cancer or weight loss or smoking.
Ok, you pick the easiest and dumbest theory of all. Thanks for admiting that.
-Cure for cancer: That's a good idea.
-Weight Loss: I'm no scientist, but I think not eating so much is the best solution for that.
-Smoking: Don't smoke.
I just solved 2 of your 3 suggestions, your welcome.
Considering that biology is the basis of modern medicine, and evolution is the bedrock theory of modern biology, that'd be kind of hard.
And there already is a cure for weight loss. It's called McDonald's.
Considering most of the scientist working on the issue of the origin of the universe are astrophysicists and your other suggestions are in a medical field, I'd hardly think that they would be the most suited for those issues... you were aware that there is more than one field of science, wern't you? ... Probably not...
Yes, smoking is the plight of the earth and scientists must find a cure for it! Rather than, you know, understanding the world in which we live.
A cure for smoking is for a smoker to quit. A cure for cancer is coming closer every day, as many forms are now survivable. It's not there yet, but it certainly proves that scientists are working on it.
A cure for weight loss? That one is a bit more difficult. Generally, eating less and exercising more will induce someone to lose weight. But, you want a cure for weight loss, apparently and I'm not sure where you're going with that one. You want to stop people from losing weight?
Yeah, why can't scientists cure those really nasty things, like Smallpox or Chorea or anything like that?
Man, fuck those people, all they do is prove everything in book of bullshit is bullshit. What assholes.
Creation isn't the best explaination, its the worst.
Just because something is easy to understand doesn't make it true.
AND, I've got a cure for weight loss. Its this new thing called exercise. Someone call the Nobel Association!
They are. Scientists are working on a cure for caner. You can't cure smoking since that's a personal choice. But guess what, the scientists who work on cancer are medical scientists and the scientists who work on the origins of the Universe are cosmologists. Also argument for personal incredulity is not a valid argument.
We have a cure for obesity (at least that's what I hope you meant) - put down the fork
We have a cure for smoking - put down the cigarette
As for Cancer, well if we're all going to be so biblical about it, why should scientists find a cure at all? Shouldn't we just pray the cancer away? And if the person dies, well it was god's will, wasn't it.
While a cure for cancer is being worked out, weight loss and smoking are not diseases. Weight loss is for those who are over-weight and are trying to get healthy, so there is no need for a cure. Unless you're talking eating disorders such as anorexia and bilema. Those are physical diseases, but psychological ones. Smoking is a habbit and it's up to the smoker to decide if they wants to break the habbit or not.
The odd thing is that in order for scientists to find the cure for cancer that you are demanding, they will need to understand biological evolution first.
In a just world, people like you should be excluded from ALL the advances in science that your type have resisted since the Bronze Age
Weight loss cure: eat less you fuckwit, don't suppersize everything. If you believe that that requires the application of the best scientific brains to work that out, fuck you are so thick and no doubt Fat that you very existance makes me puke.
Scientists already work on important things, since we've already accepted the self-evident. Some cancers are being cured and many more are treatable. I don't see god going around curing anyone, do you? With a couple of exceptions, we don't want to cure weight loss, it's weight gain that we want to treat. Smoking: stop it.
You're right koti123, if scientists just accept that god literally created it all in 6 days then we can just sit back and let him cure cancer, weight loss (didn't know that weight loss was an illness) or smoking. Goddidit so let goddoit
Easy to believe? Easy???? Once upon a time, long, long ago, I actually tried to believe this nonsense. But I just couldn't force myself to believe what I recognize as mythology. It would require a "cure" for rationality, common sense, and education before I could believe what my mind rejects as utter bullocks.
We've already got lots of doctors, nutritionists, biologists, biochemists, virologists, research oncologists, and others addressing such issues as cancer, obesity, and smoking. But they shouldn't have all the fun; the astronomers, geologists, paleontologists, archaeologists, and anthropologists need something to do, too.
~David D.G.
Ok smoking and eating can be seen as silly things to focus on, however everyone knows that people die from it. And drug companies works on dieting pills and stop smoking medicine, because it’s a big market.
Really guys, all we have to do is accept their illogical fairy tales, and it will be alright. Really guys. It's all good as long as we deny our brains and reject science. Then we could do important things, like sit naked on the bathroom floor fondling our cats.
The easiest explanation to believe is that some supernatural magical sky-pixie poofed everything into existence from nothing? And he is omnipotent, but after six days he was tired and needed a rest? Seriously?
That also leaves one part unexplained: who created your god?
Here's the thing about scientists. Scientists specialize, because after 7 years of intensive study in Physics you don't become a doctor of biology or engineering. You just don't switch fields like you're changing insurance companies.
You'll still 'get' more of those fields then joe six-pak reporting for work but it's not like working on Fords and then switching to Chysler, it's wider. Physicists, Engineers, Biologists, Archeologists, paleontologists, Theologicists even.
They don't even depend on each other but the fields comes to consensus regularly. Religion can't match that, it's dogma is more varied but they insist it's consistant.
Weight loss? Put down the donut. There, that wasn't hard.
God created everything? Please explain, and don't leave out the part where god really screwed up the anatomy of humans.
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