David J. Stewart #fundie godlovespeople.com
A husband has every right to track his wife's whereabouts, time and friends. But today's domestic abuse laws consider these things abuse. America's laws are becoming INTOLERANT of masculine authority in the marriage and home. Increasingly women are becoming little brats who need to go to prison until they learn humility, obedience and modesty. You can be assured that God is angry at a society that demonizes men for lusting, while not a word is said against whorish women who walk around hanging out naked. Women who are scantily clad are sinning. Women are so delusioned. There's nothing more beautiful than a woman in a long dress; but they THINK that they're beautiful being naked in public. They're whorish, not beautiful. Beauty is skin deep. The same women that laugh at me are wearing pants. They're the one's who demand equality of authority with their husband.
You had better hope that God doesn't put me in charge when He returns, because that's exactly where you rebels will go, to prison!!! Women who have dragged their husbands through court will pay an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth for the misery they've caused.