What's really weird is that Muslims in medieval times were perfectly fine with depicting the Big M in art. Usually it was a turbaned guy with a veiled face....
....Other times they came right out and showed him....
Very exquisitely-done art pieces, I may add. The ancient Mid-East was once a place of high-culture, science, philosophy, art and a high standard of living.....unlike what DAESH or the Taliban would tell you.
Before Genghis Khan had his way with it, Baghdad was probably one of the most advanced and prosperous cities around.
The same can be said for a lot of cultures before the colonials messed with them. India was like the Medieval Mid-East. Africa had actual kingdoms. We all know about the Mesoamericans (human sacrifice notwithstanding) but even North America had developed societies. Look up the Mississippian Culture, for example.
But I'm on a tangent....the point is....if Mohammed is depicted out of piety, I don't see what the big fat hairy deal is....just put a veil on his face or something!
If I drew Mohammed out of protest of IslamoFrum maniacs, it would be a magnificent turbaned, veiled man in glowing white....about to behead a DAESH dork.
Now, I know that Mo and his take on the Abrahamic Deity wasn't perfect and he did some stupid things. Even genuine, non-crazy Islam is rather old-fashioned in regards to subjects like gender roles (though not as bad as the Frum's take, it was 'Fair For It's Day') & sexuality (Do what you like but only in marriage....but homosexuality is a no no and cover-up, dammit!).
The mess with "9-Year-Old Aisha" isn't cut-and-dried, either. Other sources put her age in the late teens or 19. Still really young by today's standards but "reasonable for the time period/she's not a child" young. If she was 19, she's an adult woman, regardless of the time period.
The problem with Hadiths is that not all Muslim sects agree on them. Some are canonical, some aren't. Some are decent while others are really regressive and stupid. There are some Muslims who are "Quran Only".