Realize, however, that someone who's a true, hardcore athiest is usually so because of an emotional experience, and not an intellectual one, as this argument demonstrates. The point being, you can't fight emotion with intellect. Somehow emotion wins out every time.
1. I'm an atheist. I don't know what you mean by 'hardcore' -- I'm not absolutely certain beyond any sort of doubt that there is no God. I don't have some sort "faith" in a lack of God. But I'm pretty sure that God doesn't exist and will remain so until I'm convinced by actual, verifiable, scientific evidence. But I've never really had any traumatizing experience because of religion or religious people.
2. Your argument is wrong. If I was offered reasonable evidence of God's existance, I'd accept the fact that God exists. The fact that there is no evidence is why I don't believe God exists. It's purely intellectual.
3. Yes, you can. You can pitch intellect against emotion. And intellect can sometimes win. I'd like there to be an afterlife, for instance. It would make me feel better. But in the absensce of any evidence for one, I'm forced to conclude that there probably is no afterlife. Intellect wins out over emotion. However, emotion is a hard thing for reason and intellect to overcome sometimes. I think that's one of the reasons that so many people believe in God. They don't want even consider the alternative because they are afraid that there might not be a God.
Yeah, because fundies are such bastions of intellect who never, ever appeal to emotion!
Is it opposite day again?
No, see, they like to argue that emotional reasons are not valid reasons for leaving the church/not believing, because that's their way of invalidating any argument that people leave the church due to abuse. If you're upset at the church because they abused you, and that causes you to reevaluate your religion and come to the conclusion that there (probably) isn't a god... they have to avoid their culpability in this, so you're just an emotional freak who can't be reasoned with. Once your credibility's shot in their eyes, they can condescend to you freely.
How do you become a "true, hardcore ahtiest"? Is there some kind of membership test?
I became more and more atheistic as religion made less and less sense to me. I'd characterize that as an intellectual experience.
I haven't left the church yet, as I'd like a church burial, and the Swedish Church does much good in society. I guess those arguments are more emotionally based.
Emotions might win at first, but when you look at it more calmly, intellect often wins in the end.
But, maybe you have never looked at anything calmly, SuperSooner...
"The point being, you can't fight emotion with intellect."
Which is why we at FSTDT prefer to use ridicule
In Debate Q and As one of the most common "proofs" of Gods existance offered is the "personal spiritual experience". They pop it out thinking it's valid evidence yet when it's countered by "all religions, Islam, Wiccan, Judeism, Scientology, etc report these personal spiritual awakenings" they immediately fall back on "but those experiences aren't real like mine". So who operates on emotion and desire rather than intellect?
No doubt in my mind that some have abandoned religion due to rampant bullshit and hypocracy within the church. Don't like it then clean up your act. It's that shit that has Fundies trying to distance themselves from the actual true label of religion, they've made it a disrespectful word in house and now think they can throw it off on others. A tranfering of sins is one of their wackadoo beliefs after all.
I think most Atheists come to the conclusion they hold entirely based on intellect, utilizing logic to rid themselves of childish, insane beliefs that are based on ancient fables.
"Realize, however, that someone who's a true, hardcore religious fundie is usually so because of an emotional experience, and not an intellectual one, as this argument demonstrates. The point being, you can't fight emotion with intellect. Somehow emotion wins out every time."
There, fixed it.
"Realize, however, that someone who's a true, hardcore athiest is usually so because of an emotional experience, and not an intellectual one, as this argument demonstrates. The point being, you can't fight emotion with intellect. Somehow emotion wins out every time."
And Vulcans abandoned religion - along with emotion - as illogical. When it's their racial counterparts the Romulans who fully embraced emotion - including the warlike aspects of such - as well as religion; in their case, worshipping Raptors as gods. Thus the crest of the Romulan Star Empire: a predatory bird holding the twin planets Romulus & Remus in it's talons. Also the 'bird-like' aspects to their ship designs; the Valdore-class Warbird being their most awesome example to date:
The even more warlike Klingons destroyed their gods. They were considered more trouble than they were worth.
To my knowledge, the central world of the United Federation of Planets - Earth - doesn't have any religions; along with disease, hunger, or war .
Somehow Gene Roddenberry wins out every time.
[/nerd] [/smartarse]
Speaking only for myself, I was raised up in the Methodist Church. Christianity was something that was systematically taught to me when I was too young to understand what was happening. The older and more critical I became, the more reality I comprehended, the less sense it made to me. Eventually I realized there was no God. Everything I've learned and realized since then has caused atheism to make more and more sense. My "faith" gets stronger and stronger every day.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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