... if you really wanna see them get their panties in a bunch, point out how most athiests, who claim to be following no religion, are in fact following the religion of the day, namely science. Accepting theory after theory from scientists, just because the scientist tells them that's the way it is... People are all stupid. Stop the world please, I'd like to get off.
Stupid scientists, with their evidence, and their credibility, and their admitting mistakes and correcting them...
The thing is that science isn't a religion, a religion is a belief of something improbable with no facts to back it up.
Science is facts used to find out more about something. People accept it because its done by people who know what they are talking about, they can even check how it works if they want
You had me at 'panties'.
Or you would have, but you HAD to go trying to say science is a religion (and, by extension, that Christianity isn't).
This would bug an atheist if you said it because it's stupid. This is why Dawkins won't debate creationist, because eveything they argue back with is stupid. You need a God and you need to worship him for it to be to be a religion. And you need to be a stupid fundy to ignore mountains of proof for an old, large massively rewritten fairy tale
A religion is a set of beliefs that is based in tradition, which attempts to explain reality in areas where evidence cannot be found [Which is hard to find nowadays], often by using a personified higher power.
Science applies evidence and logic to further understanding of the world, and then applies it to technology.
religion is really a completely different part of human thinking from science.
well you see, unlike your religion, scientists are required to provide the evidence to support what they say, and if a scientific theory is found to be in error, it is revised or discarded.
Umm, I don't blindly accept what scientists say. However, when I was still a Christian, I did blindly follow what everyone else said about how impossible evolution supposedly is.
“... if you really wanna see them get their panties in a bunch,”
As opposed to finding the Truth and presenting evidence in support of it? Just ‘piss off the Otherkin’?
“point out how most athiests, who claim to be following no religion, are in fact following the religion of the day, namely science.”
SHow me a religion that allows for peer review and corrections, and produces anything NEAR the results of the scientific method.
"Accepting theory after theory from scientists, just because the scientist tells them that's the way it is...”
And offers the observations that led to this thought, and the experiments that confirm it, and the peer review that made it even clearer. Yeah, the blind leading the echolocating bat.
"People are all stupid.”
And this is the evidence you provide of that.
“Stop the world please, I'd like to get off.”
Door’s RIGHT over there, bubbles.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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