...look, I've been told your guy won't even want me if I'm running under his skirts to hedge my bets...but I've also been told I should believe so as not to go to Hell. So would he even ACCEPT my fealty if I offered it after the end of the world started?
I mean, I guess I'd swear to one of them, supposing such a warlords-on-Earth scenario, because trying to make it on my own after society was torn apart by Armagedon doesn't sound practicable, but it's not like I'd be very appreciative. If God's willing to feed me and protect me and no one else is who can, I'll work under him. I don't have enough pride that I'd rather die than that. Unless he's systematically murdering people. Then we have a problem.
Of course, in such a scenario I'm not likely to have copious opportunity to evaluate both sides' real policies. I won't have information. I won't be able to find out conclusively whether...Santan...is a great employer and champion of free will or a selfish exploiter with no moral guidelines, or whether God is prone to emotional displays. I'll be just another refugee, trying to find something to attach myself to as the world falls apart.
Lots of people are faced with this all the time. Hezollahis offer a little bit more of a chance to their constituents. Did you know that old-school mobsters would do things like pay for the fireworks displays in their neighborhoods? In the real world, you need to make sure of your support base.
God tends to somewhat observe this rule in scripture, though not /so/ much since he's all-powerful. I don't like him, but if it's ever pragmatic to submit, then I can't say I definitely won't. I hate lying and insincerity, but I will be *very* sincere if it comes to siding with strength.