David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org
Never before in the United States have we witnessed so much prejudiced criticism, malicious slander and hateful railings against Christian fundamentalism. I'll give you an excellent lengthy quote from Pastor Jack Hyles in a moment explaining what a fundamentalist is, but first let's hear what the Godless, wicked, sinful world defines fundamentalism as . . .
"What is Fundamentalism anyway? Fundamentalism is the attempt to impose a single truth on a plural world. What really lies behind fundamentalism is fear, a profound insecurity that makes you feel when you meet someone who doesn't like you or doesn't agree with you that that challenges and threatens your very being. Aggression is always a sign of insecurity, and insecurity is always at the bottom of a lack of faith, not the presence of it."Sir Jonathan Sacks
The preceding quote is by Jonathan Sacks, a reprobate Jewish rabbi in the satanic cult of Judaism (a group that openly denies that Jesus Christ is the Messiah). Mr. Sacks condemns fundamentalism for its attempt to impose a single truth on a plural world. My friend, it is called THE TRUTH!!! Fundamentalism is the genuine preservation, proclamation and defence of the Word of God!!! Without apology I can joyfully say that I am as narrow-minded as the Bible! Amen! Jesus proclaimed in John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. That is a single truth! The plurality (opposing views to the Scriptures) of the world is wickedness! 1 + 1 = 2, whether you like it or not! Now you can say and convince yourself and others that 1 + 1 = 3, but you'd be dead WRONG!