Samide #fundie
Pathetic. When once the atheist community was, very briefly, at the very forefront of scepticism, now you are the arrière-garde of the mainstream, the mindless foot soldiers of the status quo, the obedient lapdogs of the powers that be. Scoff at right-leaning wrong think but don't dare step out of line and criticize Islamic barbarism, anti-white racism or unscientific leftist narratives about human biodiversity or culture! No no no, don't dare do that! Disregard the plethora of evidence, CNN would never cut live feeds whenever a guest states uncomfortable facts! YouTube videos showing dozens of examples of this? Ha ha, don't be silly, everyone knows video is an illegitimate means of conveying information, only idiots watch YouTube videos (you say, after your tenth cat video of the day).,1639.0.html
Look at this. This is what you are now. Intellectual and moral cowards. You'll chuckle at the old Christian lady who prays for good health, but won't dare challenge the issue of the religion which preaches enslavement and murder, whose 70 IQ, inbred adherents are invading the West and raping Her women. The atheist community is sad and weak. Since the alt-right exploded onto the political landscape mere years ago, almost everything they've wanted has happened. And you, utterly ignorant and helplessly lost, you really just don't understand why, do you? It's because you get your political opinions from empty headed celebrity tweets and garbage leftist rags whose every author has a name ending in Stein, that's why. Oy vey!