Biologists are not real scientists. They are the right fielders and catchers of the adult male softball leagues. This means, in plain English, they suck at science.
Translation: biology says my insane beliefs about women and their animal/alien nature are insane, therefore it is not science.
Remember this is spearhead.
"Yeah, according to the Spearhead, all women are hypergamous bitches who ONLY want to shag "alpha males"."
I think "hypergamous" is just code for "will only date men who aren't complete losers like me".
As Yogi Berra might say, "If you don't know what you're saying, you might never know when to stop."
Or, as he did say, "It's not the heat, it's the humility."
That means, in plain English, you suck.
Biologists are why you haven't died of some common bacterial infection and why you haven't starved to death or been forced to grow your own crops.
Show some respect, jackass.
While I personally have taken many cracks at biology for not being as cool as physics, I would never insult the intelligence of a biologist or claim it isn't a real science. It's just as useful as physics and chemistry, just less interesting.
Is this guy serious?! How can an adult be this stupid & still remember to breathe?
I'd much prefer that knuckle draggers like this unfortunate critter right here continue to think I'm a martian; keeps them from pestering me.
I doubt he possesses the fortitude to say this R. Dawkins' face.
Your Argument Is Invalid
This is Jonas Salk, who figured out how to prevent polio.
Maurice Hilleman and his team figured out how to prevent measles, mumps, rubella, and a long list of other nastiness.
Norman Borlaugh lead the Green Revolution, which lets you eat so well.
You're welcome.
My high school biology teacher was pretty bad, but seriously, TLM, they're teachers, not scientists. Don't get bitter.
Okay never go to a doctor or enjoy the benefits of modern agriculture.
Basically just sit in your house, starve, and die of some easily treated disease or infection.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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