Mrs. Debbie #fundie

["Yeah, but there is no leaven in (Shine Jesus Shine and Open Our Eyes Lord)"- OpenOurEyesLord.]

While the songs may be doctrinally sound, and maybe even musically sound, they are guilty by my opinion. These songs are used as bait songs by cxm artists to lure you in. This is a proven technique. Artists release a single, and people like the song and go buy the cd, expecting the rest of the cd to be similar.

There is enough good, solid, Christian music that can be sung/ listened to, why walk the line? Why possibly give the devil a foot in the door? The overwhelming majority of singers/groups that sing these songs are in the cxm genera, and if these songs are sung in church, it may be a stumbling block to younger/weaker members. They may like the songs and go out and try to find it for themselves, thinking that it along with the other songs on the cd must be okay because they heard that song at church.

Yes I think that Galations 5:9 does apply here.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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