gurion #fundie
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:11 am Post subject:
I don't mean to veer off topic topic too far, but I've heard Potter compared to pirates. In one manner of speaking, those pirates called upon a Satanic apparition in order to sell their souls to it.
Additionally, the candycoated world of piracy brought to us by Disney was driven in real life by Satanic and Freemasonic sources of ritual and money. Arguably, real pirates may have done the same as Disney ones, and, to be fair, a miniaturization of the amusement park ride would make for one blasphemous altar piece. Would your life? It's interesting to think of how many visiting Christian students sung yo ho yo ho, that's the life for them.
In regards to the occult, any forceful externalization of the will is the opposite of operating by faith. What kind of thing do you want to accomplish? Biblical literalists might say that's a little beside the point, considering that the world was never meant to revolve around you. Maybe the selfishness, itself, should be reconsidered.