David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

By God's grace, if you trust my opinion, I am going to share with you what I believe to be the real story behind the now developing New World Order (i.e., a one world system of world government). I like to cite as many sources as possible. Let's face it, anybody can say anything, but that doesn't make it true. I will try to prove my teachings, for your benefit. This article just may be one of the most important I've ever written, as it cuts to the heart of the New World Order. Most Christians today are woefully ignorant of the things I am going to teach you. Consequently, they are actually supporting Satan's New World Order. As believers, we ought to fight against spiritual wickedness, not promote it!

You also need to understand that President Donald Trump is not America's friend. He won't restore America's greatness. Transgendered bathrooms aren't going away. Same-sex perversion is here to stay. Abortion won't be made illegal. Hollywood is only going to wax worse and worse. No nation can truly be “great” unless it's good. When our nation was good, we had great churches. Today's churches are lukewarm, worldly, indifferent toward the purity of God's Word, confused concerning the Gospel, even denying the inspiration of the King James Bible.

We have no real culture or freedom anymore. You are a slave, whether you want to admit it or not. We are slaves to the Wall Street banks, which is why you have to pay $350,000 for a decent home and pay for it for the rest of your life. Even the highest leaders in our nation are totally helpless to stop the banks. Think about that! No one can stop the Federal Reserve. Many have tried, but failed. Lest you missed it, Mr. Trump is not keeping his promise to “drain the swamp”; but in fact, is filling the swamp with more Goldman Sachs scum, as if the 37 former Goldman Sachs employees that President Obama hired weren't enough!!! Not all Americans are dumb! Please see: Lying Conman Donald Trump Hiring Goldman Sachs Executives After Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric. While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Mr. Trump boldly talked a lot of big talk about giving control of Washington back to the American people, and ridding the White House of insider lobbyist interests.

If you go online to verify Mr. Obama hiring 37 Goldman Sachs employees, the first website that comes up on Google is “FactCheck.Org,” which was started by the Annenberg Foundation, which is owned by a Jewish family. Talk about deception! It's just more disinformation, misinformation and outright lies. America, you are under attack! You are the victim of the Zionist-controlled media, who are owned and controlled by elite Masonic Jews, and their goal is to manipulate your family, make you their whore for the rest of your life, and exploit everything you have to build their New World Order. Literally, they want to control the world, awaiting their false messiah, the Jewish Antichrist.

If you think I've lost it, please research as I have done for thousands of hours, then disagree with me. I get so sick of wicked people disagreeing with me, who have never read a single book on the subject at hand. Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking is right, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge!” Today's ungodly pastors, even after being warned about the Devil's Bible revisions, still couldn't care less. They just keep enjoying the good life, parasiting off Christianity for a salary. I am going to share some information with you in this article, which will open your eyes if you'll let it. Pray for God to help you see THE TRUTH. Our churches today have been deceived, suckered into Dispensationalism, that idolizes manmade Israel and the Jews. Dr. Cyrus I. Scofield was hired by Masonic Jews to create Dispensationalism, with the intent of tricking the churches to support the rebirth of Israel (which happened in 1948), which was put there by Masonic Jews, not God. I worship the God of Israel, not Israel.

Ungodly Masonic Jews Exert Control Over the World

First, we learn in Revelation 17:18 (one of our text verses from the King James Bible) about “THAT GREAT CITY,” which reigns over the kings of the earth. The Greek word for “reigneth” is echo, meaning, “to hold.” The Greek word for “kings” is basileus, meaning “sovereign.” Thus, it doesn't mean that the great city rules over the world's kings; but rather, it exerts control over these sovereign nations, compelling them to do what they desire. We read in Revelation 11:8 about “THE GREAT CITY,” which spiritually is called “Sodom” and “Egypt” (two of the most wicked places in history). The Bible plainly identifies “the great city” as the place “where also our Lord was crucified.” This can only mean JERUSALEM (or, effectively, Jews).

Freemasonry is synonymous with Zionism (i.e., the manmade present-day state of Israel established in 1948). Freemasonry is steeped in Lucifer worship. It's symbol is an erect male phallus (e.g., The Washington Monument, which is 666 inches wide and 666 feet tall). The erect male phallus is a symbol of occult power (that is, the hidden power working behind world governments). This is what the Bible means in Revelation 17:4-5 (our text passage). ...

All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal which is best defined as the circle of top world Banksters and industrialist run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country like the Vatican with its own ambassadors and police. These folks claim to be personally anointed by Lucifer himself and some have claimed to have personal alien or demon guides that provide protection and counsel. Thus all wars are Bankster wars and appear to be demonically inspired. Some experts have discovered a strong association with secret esoteric “super-masonic” occult groups which are Luciferian based and this Ruling Cabal.

SOURCE: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/02/35-things-the-ruling-cabal-does-not-want-you-to-know/

Please watch the video documentary, MASONIC LODGE OVER JERUSALEM (by Dr. Texe Marrs - HERE'S A BACKUP LINK FOR THE VIDEO IF IT GOES DEAD, as they often do, for telling THE TRUTH). We are going to soon see apocalyptic events foretold in the Holy Bible in the Middle East. An elite group of men in secret societies have grabbed control over the finance, political rulership and religious groups. These men are the Illuminati. They are Jewish. Jerusalem is Biblically called “Sodom” and “Egypt” (two of the most wicked places in history). They have been using the United States as their proxy (to do their dirty work). This is why the Bible says these men have fornicated with the kings of the earth. They are power whores! A “whore” sells herself. The churches today are selling themselves in spiritual whoredom to ecumenism.

Is Freemasonry Jewish? It is controlled by high level Jewish interests. There is irrefutable evidence that Freemasonry is steeped in Lucifer worship. A New York Masonic lodge publication of the B'nai Brith called Woman's Voice (published in 1953) boasted that “Freemasonry is Jewry!” FREEMASONRY IS JEWISH!!! This is important for everyone to understand. Once you've worked your way up to the 16th level in Freemasonry, you're given the title, “PRINCE OF JERUSALEM”!


WHO CONTROLS THE ECONOMY? Nearly all Jewish Freemasons! Today the nation of Israel, and the higher level Jewish positions in banking, finance, media, the corporate world, and the higher level positions... ARE ALL HELD BY FREEMASONS!!! The Masonic lodge and Jewry are deeply connected!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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