Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood, one is justified in regarding the Genesis account of the animals dispersing from a central point as perfectly reasonable. Not only that, but the biblical model provides an excellent framework for the scientific study of these questions.
Coupled with all the biblical [...] evidence for noah's flood, one is justified in regarding the Genesis account of the animals dispersing from a central point as perfectly reasonable.
Failed right at the start. "The bible says that a bible story is true."
And not to mention that the alleged geological and anthropological "evidence" for the biblical flood is nothing but fabricated lies and wishful thinking.
Lets not be harsh: sure, the idea behind this paragraph makes no sense, but you see that by putting all their knowledge together, those three men were capable of writing long polysyllabic words into sentences and coming up with something intelligible. That's more than one usually expects from them!
There is no geological or antropological evidence for Noah's flood.
There are five highly literate civilizations that continued to have the same respective, and distinctive, cultures through the mythical flood period. Those civilizations continue unbroken... (ie: same language, same culture, same everything)...
The Biblical model- talking snakes, talking donkeys, pi = 3, etc, a good basis for scientific study?
Suuuuurrre it is.
So let's see this evidence, is it stuff that scientists can make a better claim to mean something it that you don't think that something could happen the way scientists say it did so God Did It. Is it the typical bullshit that you lot always call evidence? I would be surprised if it wasn't.
Let's face it your Bible is not 100% true, that's fine you can still believe in your God. If you can't then your belief is so weak that it is no wonder that anything that proves it wrong scares you so much. You can't do without your blankie and it frightens you that others can.
There are none so blind as those who will not see!
When are fundamentalists ever going to realise that it was man who wrote the bible, and man who proclaimed it inspired? It's claim to inerrancy is in shreds and this is so obvious that a 10 year old (unbrainwashed) would spot it in a simple reading.
@ John in Oz
Here's a conundrum. Snakes have no ears, that I am aware of. They rely on picing up vibrations on their underside. No ears, means their capacity for speech would be most unlikely. So what was going on that the snake in Eden could talk. Adam and Eve must have been Demons to be able to make a snake talk.
I will yield if someone can produced the evidence as to when God descended and said to witnesses that he had inspired the book and left some concrete token that we can refer to at any time.
From the top of that page:
Let us begin by reaffirming that God's Word does indeed reveal, in the plainest possible terms, that the whole globe was inundated with a violent, watery cataclysmNoah's flood.
Let us begin by stating our conclusion.
"Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood, one is justified in regarding the Genesis account of the animals dispersing from a central point as perfectly reasonable."
Very true. If you had this evidence. Which you don't. In fact, it's not even that you don't have this evidence but that there is direct evidence both against this actually happening and against it even being possible to start with.
"Not only that, but the biblical model provides an excellent framework for the scientific study of these questions."
No. It doesn't.
Smarter people than you have already tried that and failed horribly. And they were devout Christians who actually went looking for evidence to back up what you're claiming instead of just sitting on their ass, such as you do, writing books and giving lectures while parroting the old, "There's gobs of evidence for this!" line.
one is justified in regarding the Genesis account of the animals dispersing from a central point as perfectly reasonable
Oh, perfectly! [/sarcasm]
Fundie Beliefs #26 - Where the Animals Went
Eventually, the water went somewhere*. Then the animals went back to their own places: the two llamas swam 2,500 miles across the Atlantic to South America, hacked their way across the Amazon jungles and climbed up into the newly-formed Andes, where either God or "micro-evolution" gave them a new form of hemoglobin to cope with the lack of air. The Gila monsters swam the Atlantic and settled in the US deserts, the penguins went to Antarctica and the polar bears headed to the frozen North. The two Australian giant earthworms tunneled under the Kavir desert, slithered across India, island-hopped down the Malay Peninsula and burrowed under the ocean bed to emerge in Australia. Noah’s wife went back to the kitchen where she belonged. Noah’s boat settled in Turkey, where it can still be seen by anyone with an imagination.
* According to Internet fundie AV1611VET, it went to Neptune.
Bible stories are unverifiable therefore they are not evidence.
There is no geological evidence that is best explained by a global flood model.
There is no anthropological evidence that suggests that a global flood took place. If anything, it shows that flood myths are common, that relatively primitive peoples were wont to ascribe supernatural causes to such floods and that their narrow experience meant that the geographic area immediately surrounding them were as the whole world.
Geological and anthropological evidence does not support the Biblical creation myth, any more than it supports the creation myths of any other religious or cultural group.
If you want to believe that fine, but leave the science out of it. Have the balls to just admit you accept it on faith, and nothing will shake that.
What geological and anthropological evidence would that be? None that I've ever seen or am familiar with. In fact, all the evidence I've seen suggests the flood is a complete myth fabricated by primitive men.
All you've got is a Bible fairy tale and no more, gentlemen. If you have geologists and anthropologists stating they have evidence for a Biblical flood, I demand to see their qualifications, as I suspect they have none from recognized, accredited universities.
If the kangaroos went from the Middle East to Australia, shouldn’t there be evidence of kangaroos in between the Middle East and Australia?
And what made them home in onto Australia to begin with? And how’d they get across the Indian Ocean?
Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood, [blah, blah, blah] the biblical model provides an excellent framework for the scientific study of these questions.
Yes! Exactly.
Well, except that it's all bullshit and stinks 50 miles upwind.
Otherwise, yes!
Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood..
Coupled with the complete lack of biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood
What the ...?
Oh, it's Ken. Carry on.
Ken, I don't even think it's possible to be more wrong. I think you have approached a zen-like level of wrong-ness that is pure and perfect. All of your carefully cultivated irrational beliefs and batshit insanity have aged like a fine wine. Or rather, whine.
Christian answers? Is the question: "What is the stupidest thing a human can write?"
"...all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood..."
...wouldn't fill a flea's jockstrap.
"...the biblical model provides an excellent framework for the scientific study of these questions."
No, guys, even if you say it over and over again with a straight face, it still is just bollocks.
Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood, one is justified in regarding the Genesis account of the animals dispersing from a central point as a myth.
It is amazing how all those animals, walked to the shores of the respective oceans they decided to plunge in and swim though. Thousands of miles, without food, or water that was drinkable. Didnt drown, seemed to be able to navigate, swam 24 hours a day for months without sleeping or eating. Ok Ken. If you can herd a couple of Bison across the Atlantic then I will start to believe they could actually do it on their own. But until then.....I am not that stupid.
Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood
There is neither geological nor anthropological evidence a worldwide flood leaving behind only 2-7 of each animal and 8 people, 5 of whom were genetically related. The only biblical evidence for the flood is that the bible sas it happened.
one is justified in regarding the Genesis account of the animals dispersing from a central point as perfectly reasonable
Would you care to explain why almost all marsupials are found exclusively in Australia?
Not only that, but the biblical model provides an excellent framework for the scientific study of these questions.
Claiming "Goddidit" does not equate to scientific study.
A whole lot of brainwashed and duped flunkies on this site. Yes, there is a huge amount of evidence for the flood, which is absolutely the ONLY way we got the vast majority of fossils we have. There are accounts of the flood world-wide. There are sediment layers all over the world that could have been laid down no other way. There are fossils of ocean/sea creatures on mountain tops all over the world. You people are simply regurgitating what boxed in "scientists" are telling you to believe. You have no knowledge of the facts and evidence. You simply parrot your handlers.
What evidence?
That's a big fucking CITATION NEEDED, sucker.
And as far as the first one, it's forged.
Noah's ark was supposedly 350 feet long. It didn't exist, but let's humor them. HOW do you fit 2-7 of every species on earth on a boat less than half the length of the HINDENBURG!? Answer: you can't. Not a snowball's chance in hell, it's impossible. The only concievable way is if you kept DNA samples, all 25,000,000 of them.
But okay, let's assume you had like a space warp or something. How do you keep all of them alive? How the fuck did they get there in the first place? What about parasites? Diseases? Invaisive species? Good God, THE INCESSSSSSSST!!! How would they repopulate in such a short time? How would tortoises go from Ararat to Europe, cross the Atlantic, go to North America, South America, cross the Pacific, and get to the Galapagos? What happened to the sea creatures that can't survive fresh/saltwater mixing? Why would an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent god do something SO FUCKING RETARDED!?
You FAIL so FUCKING hard I can hardly see straight.
Yeah, right.
T-Rex and his wifey and all the larger carnivore dinosaurs were on board the ark calmly munching away on grass for 2 years with huge teeth designed to tear flesh? If the great flood was fresh water, how did all those salt-water fish survive? If the great flood was salt water, how did all those fresh water fish survive? Mankind migrated to all the different continents by walking on floating tree stumps from the Great Flood? Makes perfect sense. Yeah, to an intellectual gerbil. Makes Vince Young look like a Mensa member.
T-rex had big teeth to crack the coconuts on which they dined. Pay attention, no meat eaters before THE FALL.
Small mammals may have been distributed by Volcanoes.
The animals walked home cause the continental breakup didnt occur until later in the time of Peleg.
Its all easily explained ;)
This is what Bill Nye was referring to when he said this is "child abuse". This is lying to children in order to indoctrinate them into paying followers.
There is no way Ken can defend that statement without lying so he just lies, blatantly and often because religious freedom.
Coupled with all the biblical, geological, and anthropological evidence for noah's flood, $2 will buy you a cup of coffee.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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