baphomet #fundie

If an angel was in a UFO that led the astrologers (the 'wise men') to the young child Jesus in that house (Mt 2:11), then it must have been a wicked angel. How so? We have these pagan astrologers (Greek, "magoi"; see De 18:10-12 and Isa 47:13,14) traveling along and they see a "star". (how convenient; astrologers.....stars.....) Does it lead them directly to Jesus? Nope. They next end up in front of the wicked King Herod in Jerusalem. (Mt 2:1,2) Herod lies to the astrologers and tells them to go find the Christ and report back to him so he can worship him also. (Mt 2:8) His real intention was to kill Jesus. (Mt 2:13) Now an assassination plot has been assembled and the astrologers are the dupes in this scheme. So the astrologers start to travel and see the "star" again. This time it leads them to Bethlehem and to not a baby, but the young child Jesus in his house. (Mt 2:9) After they pay their homage to Jesus, the astrologers are ready to head back to Jerusalem to report to Herod as instructed. So up to this point, following the "star" has just about got Jesus killed! How is God going to stop it? He warns them in a dream not to go back to Herod. (Mt 2:12) So who was using the "star" to help carry out an evil assassination plot? Who else, but the manslayer and opposer of God, Satan the Devil. Thus the next time you see a 'star' on top of a Christmas tree, remember that it represents a wicked angel who was determined to have Jesus, the Son of God, killed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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