Dinosaur bones are found buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. It's obvious to me they were deposited there by the great flood.
It's obvious, to me, that Pilgrim is a moron. Because, if he/she had any knowledge of paleontology he/she would know that dinosaurs are just a tiny portion of a fossil record that stretches back to well over a billion years before the first land creatures. And they ruled the Earth for hundreds of millions of years.
BTW, floods don't create "instant rock" and a single event would have resulted in a random jumble rather than the distinct layers we find.
And yet, you never find any human bones mixed up with dino bones. Why is that?
To be fair, the person asking the question is a bit of a dick also.
"Dinosaur bones are found buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. It's obvious to me they were deposited there by the great flood."
Uh huh. How come all of the fossils are sorted uniformly throughout the geological layers?
It's obvious to me they were deposited there by the great flood.
To you, yes. But you are too stupid to have an opinion that matters.
Pilgrim, are you a paleontologist and/or a geologist? No?
STFU, then. Thank you. Time to let the grownups talk now.
Feel free to toss some chicken bones and rocks into a kiddie pool, hose them down for a while with a high-pressure stream of water, and then let us know if the bones fossilize and end up within layers of sedimentary rock, layered in order of oldest chicken bones to newest, starting at the bottom.
“It's obvious to me they were deposited there by the great flood.”
Do floods sort?
After a flood or a mudslide, do different layers develop or is it all a jumbled mass?
Do floods sort bodies? If a mudslide comes down a canyon and wipes out a campground do we find all the human bodies in a discrete layer, and dogs all together in another? Cats, deer, fish, all sorted in some manner? Or, again, is it all an undifferentiated mass?
In the strata, we find a bunch of dinosaurs of teh same species at a level. We also find their nests at the same level. Their eggs, both hatched and unhatched with fossilized embryos inside.
I would LOVE to see the experiment performed where you can make a flood recreate that, sorting by species, to include every age of individual, their nests, and…their footprints. Since it’s so OBVIOUSLY from The Flood, you can show this when floods happen, right?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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