W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
This blustering about equality we hear from feminists is pure smoke. When a feminist mentions “equality,” she knows it’s a labile concept, to be shaped into whatever is useful at any given time. Say some men discover a new source of energy and make a huge pile of money off it. Immediately, feminists will show up demanding “equality” – i.e., a piece of the pie – by virtue of their sex, and that alone.
The term equality means nothing but freedom to shift the goalposts whenever convenient, so it’s misleading to include it in the definition of feminism. But through observation and experience, we can identify an accurate definition:
Feminism is the collective promotion of women’s interests at men’s expense by the ancient and effective means of sexual leverage. It is the use of female sexuality and identity to extract social, economic and political power from men.
Women who achieve power or acclaim without using their sexuality or identity as women are not benefitting from feminism. Feminism did nothing for Marie Curie, Margaret Thatcher, or Angela Merkel, to name a contemporary example.
It has done a great deal for Madonna, Hillary Clinton and Gloria Steinem, all of whom rely on either female sexuality or identity, or both, for most of their wealth and power.