Matt Barber and Brigitte Gabriel #fundie
[From an article titled "'Christian Terrorists' Don't Exist":]
It's said that not all Muslims are terrorists, but that most terrorists are Muslims. Bleeding heart "religion of peace" Jihad-deniers may explain away the global scourge of Islamic terrorism as "workplace violence," the "result of climate change" or a "gun control issue" (California has the strictest gun laws in all 50 states, and Paris France has banned guns altogether), but the facts, common sense and our own observations reveal the truth. It's world-class stupid to insist that, when demon-possessed Muslim terrorists mow down a room full of law-abiding citizens, the "progressive" panacea is to disarm the law-abiding citizens. "Enough is enough," all right. Sit down, liberals. The adults are talking. We don't need more gun control, we need more Islam control.
Brigitte Gabriel is a world-renown national security expert. Her concentration is on the - ahem - explosive rise in Islamic terrorism. She notes that there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. Of them, intelligence agencies estimate that 15-25 percent are orthodox Muslims, meaning they actually follow the teachings of the Quran.
"That leaves 75 percent of [Muslims being] peaceful people," observes Gabriel. "But when you look at 15-25 percent of the world's Muslim population, you're looking at 180 million to 300 people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization. That is as big as the United States," she concludes.
Indeed, with these harrowing numbers in mind it's no surprise that there have been nearly 27,500 terrorist attacks worldwide committed by faithful Muslims since 9/11.
There have been zero committed by faithful Christians.
Terrorism is in direct disobedience to Christ.
It's in direct obedience to Muhammad.
Whereas "Muslim extremists," that is, faithful Muslims, kill people extremely, "Christian extremists," that is, faithful Christians, love people, including their enemies, extremely.
Which brings us to last week's mass shooting near an abortion slaughterhouse in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Even as the secular left was gleefully screaming, "Christian terrorism!" Garrett Swasey, a pro-life, Christian pastor and police officer, was laying down his life for those inside the very Planned Parenthood he abhorred.
It's what Christians do.
(For the record, this marks the first time in history that any liberal has been concerned for human life at a Planned Parenthood.)
No, Robert Dear is no "Christian terrorist." He may be a terrorist, but he's not a Christian terrorist. He can't be. He doesn't follow Christ. If anything, Robert Dear's actions are more like those of Planned Parenthood, orthodox Islam and Syed Farook [one of the San Bernardino shooters].
Bloody bosom buddies.
Yes, there have been terrorists who call themselves Christian.
But there has never been a Christian terrorist.