"It is totally impossible that Judgment Day will not start on May 21 God has given us so many proofs in the Bible that it HAS to start on that day."
If you say so.
"There are so many scriptures pointing to the fact that it HAS to be the Day of Judgment, other wise God is a liar."
Ohhhhh, come 22nd May of this year, my Schadenfreude levels are going to be OVER 9000! As 'twill be the same with everyone here at FSTDT:
Celebrating in our hyper-smugness and ultra-superiority; lording it over you inferior fundies as we say to you 'Don't say we told you so - but we told you so! >:D '
Said pic (from the anime series "Panty & Stocking [with Garterbelt]") will also be our way of encouraging you to mix up batches of that special Kool-Aid; revelling in our more than infinite superiority (as self-thinking Atheists) over you - and impressing upon you your own inferiority (as self-deluded fundies), in word, action and thought - especially the latter.
How you thought that your precious 'Judgement Day' didn't come to pass, nor did your J-man blow his horn, go down and suck you off.
22nd May 2011 will prove that everything we Atheists had said all along (and for so long) was right.. Thus you fundies were always wrong. Therefore what you'd been taught to 'believe' was a lie. Ergo, proving that not only was the basis of such unjustifiable 'belief' a lie all along - because your 'God' was a liar all along. And why...?
Because he never existed in the first place..
Q.E.D., bitches.
As with the above pic, the only thing I'm worried about (as you fundies thought we would have to suffer that so-called 'Judgement Day'), is that my face will freeze in a rictus grin, a la The Joker, as I gloat over your more than infinite FAIL; revelling in my more than infinite hyper-superiority over you subhuman fundies. Because we Atheists will have - in the process - proven our more than infinite superiority to you.
I don't want to say I told you so - but I told you so, come 'The Day After'. You lot will have only two options on that day:
[ ] Like I say: start mixing up those batches of the special Kool-Aid. 909 people at Jonestown can't be wrong, after all.
[ ] Realise that your insane 'beliefs' were just that: insane. Pointless. Unjustifiable. Therefore such an unjustifiable way of thinking has no right to exist in your mindset. Thus you have no choice but to become an Atheist. It won't kill you:
It certainly did ex-long time Christian Jonathan Edwards no harm whatsoever.
On 22nd May 2011, Choose wisely.
'Great Disappointment II' a-comin' up. Just over one month, and counting...
Tick... Tick... Tick...!