Bag-of-Hammers #fundie
[Bag-of-Hammers believes the New Testament should be taught in History classes.]
THere is far more credible evidence that proves the NT to be true than most other things they teach in History. Not teaching it as history submits to the idea that it might all be lies and fairytales is where the attitude towards the NT is born. As it is, we are a Nation of athiests, bowing to the unfounded ideas of atheism that the NT is not worthy of considerating as true testimony, giving more credance that there are multible truths, and having faith in the wisdom of people is moot, as there is no such thing as truth and rightousness. Only a world where whatever you want to believe is what the truth is, regardless of the facts. As it is we reinforce the people to share the same attitude Muhammad had towards the NT by not educating them the historical facts behind the making of the NT.