Evolution has been disproven. Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity. Of course no one in this topic is familiar with this as you all likely went to secular institutions and were sheltered from anything that might be evidence against evolution.
"Evolution has been disproven. Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity."
This suggests that TheChamp153 likely went to Christian fundie institutions and was sheltered from anything that might be evidence against creation.
Micheal Behes irreducible complexity con has been well known and debunked for over a decade.
"In the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial, Behe gave testimony on the subject of irreducible complexity. The court found that "Professor Behe's claim for irreducible complexity has been refuted in peer-reviewed research papers and has been rejected by the scientific community at large."[2]"
It was debunked long before the trial, in fact it was surprising Behe wasn't called on it the first time on the stand.
"Of course no one in this topic is familiar with this as you all likely went to secular institutions and were sheltered from anything that might be evidence against evolution."
Another common stunt with creationists is pretending these creationist brainfarts are being censored, banned or hidden because they're not referred to on every biological paper. Suggesting conspiracy and an elevated level of importance at the same time.
"Irreducible complexity" means "my brain can't comprehend the process, therefore it must not be true". Some people call it faith that denies evolution; I call it sheer lack of imagination and an inability to understand the magnitude of the time involved and the number of "experiments" carried out under the control of good ol' chemistry and physics.
"Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity"
That pretty much disproves creation, leaving evolution as the only explanation.
sheltered from anything that might be evidence against evolution.
The whole idea of scientific methodology is that one isn't sheltered from anything.
If someone were to come up with a testable, provable new theory that wasn't just based on mythology and answered all the questions in a much better way than evolution presently does, presented his/her reasearch and evidence in an open manner, and showed that the new theory could handle new cases without collapsing, that person would be taken seriously and evolution might fade away.
However, since that new theory wouldn't fit in with the Bible, Genesis in particular, TheChamp153 and his pals wouldn't want it either. The question isn't: this one thing, else the Bible. Science doesn't work that way.
Oh, Space-Christ! They're invading the gaming community! *faints*
Yup, they're everywhere. When they troll everywhere, they call it witnessing or missionary work. When atheists or critical thinkers post anywhere, they call it persecution.
Michael Behe? Wasn't he the one who testified at the Dover trial? You know, the trial where the court ruled that ID can't be taught in public schools because it's nothing more than "creationism dressed up in a cheap tuxedo?" I guess his testimony wasn't good enough to convince the judge. Or the scientific community, which rejects his idea of irreducible complexity.
Evolution has been disproven. Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity.
Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity has been disproven. Look up his statement during the Kitzmiller v Dover trial.
I looked at the link and I think my brain melted. How did this one get through and not this?
Sorry, but I am not going to let PC liberals dictate what I should believe or not. None of the religions believe in evolution, and the crackpot Darwin didn't even explain it properly himself (he had to admit God existed as well).
The fact is, the body does NOT evolve. God gives us a certain body or form, but that already existed. Like for example, take a car factory with all kinds of makes, models, and colors from all eras of cars which have existed.
All the cars have been created and are waiting to be let out onto the road, but some are released at certain points and some aren't. There is no evolution, the forms exist already. Why? Souls ask God for a body, and he gives us one.
Also, I am not descendant from some chemicals in a pond.
You do know that Behe was laughed out of court for his ridiculous idea of "irreducible complexity", right?
It's cretinists that are sheltered from reality.
Even if there was evidence against evolution, it wouldn't mean that Creationism is right. It has to present any evidence whatsoever in its favor, and as it has failed utterly until now, we're not that worried, Champie.
"I looked at the link and I think my brain melted. How did this one get through and not this?
All the cars have been created and are waiting to be let out onto the road, but some are released at certain points and some aren't. There is no evolution, the forms exist already. "
That's progressive creation. YECs consider it compromise with Satan.
"Irreducible Complexity" is the biological equivalent to Zeno's Paradox. There is no paradox, and one has to move the goalposts all the way down to the level of a virus in order to complain about the gap between living and dead organic matter.
See also: http://udel.edu/~mcdonald/mousetrap.html
@ ScrappyB; If somebody called my parents a pool of sludge, I'd be scrappy too. On the other hand, your mom was "eating for two" while you gestated, so an awful lot of turds played a role in your development :-)
Someone should tell "TheChamp" that Behe not only accepts evolution, he also accepts common descent. His idea of "IC" which is not new, just a new formulation of the idea, was to say that only "certain features" could not be explained with being poofed into being. Behe himself would never say his idea "refutes evolution"
It is also known that evolution can produce IC and this has been shown in the literature.
"TheChamp" is sorely misinformed.
Behe? Behe? Behe? You mean the man whose own son wanted to help him fight evolution so he started researching it along with his father and learned how intellectually dishonest his dad was? That Behe?
Also Behe is pretty much a theological evolutionist when it gets down to it. He just believes a God has to be behind everything.
"Irreducible complexity"
Or, as I like to call it, "You can't un-digest your food, so it stands to reason you can't digest it."
Evolution has been disproven. Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity.
Look up how well his "irreducible complexity" fared at the Kitzmiller v Dover Area School Board trial when he had to defend it under oath in front of experts who actually knew the Theory of Evolution.
I seem to recall irreducible complexity getting completely flogged in court because as it turns out the whole "irreducible" part was completely false. And complexity is just foolish, clouds are complex shapes, but it isn't because Sammy the sky wizard makes each one special in his weather factory
"Evolution has been disproven. Look up Michael Behe's idea of irreducible complexity. Of course no one in this topic is familiar with this as you all likely went to secular institutions and were sheltered from anything that might be evidence against evolution."
Judge John E. Jones III, who ruled against the defence in Kitzmiller vs. Dover: a decade ago. Thus Evolution is proven , and Behe is now a laughingstock in the scientific community; two words: 'Cdesign Proponentsists'.
...oh, and Judge Jones is a Conservative Christian . NEXT!
"Of course no one in this topic is familiar with this as you all likely went to secular institutions and were sheltered from anything that might be evidence against evolution."
Projection really is the only method of argument these morons have, isn't it? That and "were you there?".
You know, the idea is sound. If you can find a single clear-cut case of an irreducibly complex biological structure, the theory of evolution by natural selection might have a problem.
No such case has been found though. Not a single one, not even the flagellar motor and certainly not that old chestnut, the eye. Note that "I have no idea how this shit works, so goddidit" is merely a statement of personal incredulity and an indication of a lack of insight, not "proof".
Of course every such claimed case that is explained furher strengthens the theory (not that it needs it).
By the way, look up the technical definition of evolution. You'll find that it is easily proven in a laboratory setting. It only takes a single generation of offspring.
Evolution has been disproven
>15th October 2015
A decade previously...:
How's it feel being proven to be the complete tit you are: like Behe has & always will be, TheChump ...?! >:D
Like him, must be cold living in that rusted old U-Boat in that river in Egypt. Still, you'll have a companion to sit with you in the fetal position, rocking back & forth, with your fingers in your ears shouting 'LA-LA-LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU, REALITY!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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