Hey, I live in Europe, man, you cannot imagine the madness that reign here.
Since I don't live in Europe, I can't say anything, but somehow I don't think it's as bad as you say it is.
"300" is the only pro-Western movie which supports the US war that we can see here since... 2000.
Somehow I doubt that. Besides, while certain critics (and Iranians) have accused "300" of having political innuendo, it's no sure thing.
Imagine living in a near-communist area.
There was no such thing as communism when the Battle of Thermopylae took place. You're talking about Greece in the 20th century.
Bush is definitely Leonidas - a strong, courageous leader who's not affraid to stand for what's right. If you disagree, then you're as gay as the entire Europe and your friends, the nazislamists.
Leonidas was strong and brave. In my opinion, Bush is not. Of course, we can't have dissent, it's so unpatriotic! And let me get this through your thick skull, SwissFan, since you claim to live in Europe, not all Europeans are homosexual and not all Spartans were. Just because homosexuality is tolerated and accepted in a society does not mean that all of the society's members are homosexual. And 'nazislamist?' How long did it take you to think that one up?
Kill the traitors, kill the Dems, crush the anti-war fanatics, destroy Saddamists, hang members of Al Qaeda and then, go home with the job finished. That's the lesson of "300"."
First of all, none of the Spartans went home, they were all killed in battle. Second of all, while the Spartans' motive to fight (retaining independence) was noble, they were not fighting for democracy. The closest thing they had to it was a council of elders. And while they fought for Sparta's freedom, that did not include freedom of its inhabitants, mainly the helots. As a matter of fact, in many ways, Sparta can be seen as the world's first totalitarian state. This does not deny the bravery and sacrifice of the Spartan warriors at Thermopylae. But for wingnuts like this idiot to say that Thermopylae is an exact replica of today's situation is ridiculous.