If evolution was true then we would see animals with 6 legs
Why, what benefit would that be to these animals to EVOLVE extra legs? Think of one, we'll wait! Dodododo (hums Final Jeopardy theme)!......... Still waiting!.........We're here!...... No answer? Then you lose dumbass!
I'm afraid even non-religious, non-stupid people subscribe to "Farmer in the Dell" taxonomy. A woman said to me she didn't like hawks because they "eat their own kind." I replied "but they're different species". Nope, not convincing. I pointed out that we eat cows and wolves eat deer. "But they're different kinds," she replied. Absolutely no way was she to be budged.
In colloquial terms, insects, birds, humans, etc. aren't "animals".
Evolution is true.
As others have already pointed out, insect have six legs, although your Bible says they have four.
If you mean, why don't we have six-legged deer or some such, it's because they are well served with four and have not needed to evolve a third pair of legs.
What makes me question a Creator is why he would bother creating a whole whack-load of people with no brain, like you.
In the comedy seies Red Dwarf, "Dawyne Dibbley" is the uncool alter ego of the character known as "The Cat". The Cat is a humanoid creature that had as its origin, Lister's pet cat Frankenstein. She was safely sealed in the hold of the ship when all the crew except Lister (in stasis) were killed by a radiation leak. Over a period of 3 million years, the descendants of Frankenstein (who was pregnant when Lister brough her on board the ship) evolved into a humanoid form only with cat-like teeth. The most important event in their history was the invention of the steam operated trouser press (oh and in the book version, a religious war eventually killed nearly the entire species).
Apologies for the lapse into Red Dwarf trivia, but I felt I needed to preswent this background information to explain why I cannot possibly believe that the poster "Dwayne Dibbley" is a genuine fundie who has never heard of insects.
Troll, troll, troll. But a most amusing one.
or ducks might have four legs, or octopi could have 8 legs, or squid might have 8 legs and two paddles, or...
How can someone this stupid be a Red Dwarf fan? Methinks this might be a troll.
Actually, if you look, Dwayne is quoting this site and mocking the hatemail it's received:
So don't worry, Dwayne Dibbley is sane. Actually, that page he's quoting from could be a FSTDT appendix all on its own.
That site is a goldmine of incoherence, malevolence, irrationality and ignorance, with a healthy dose of spelling and grammar mistakes. FSTDT heaven.
We do.
We call them 'insects'.
We do, they are called insects.
Guess evolution is "true", then.
"If evolution was true then we would see animals with 6 legs"
...says the 'VR' alter-ego of a humanised sentient feline who had [i]evolved[/i] from Lister's [i]pregnant[/i] pet cat, Frankenstein , in the 3 million years Dave had been in stasis
Irony clearly an alien concept to some, eh 'Dwayne'?! [/"Die Hard"] Certainly satire , as represented in the British Sci-Fi TV series "Red Dwarf" you scarfed that screename from, initially conceived as a parody, nay, a satire of Sci-Fi, which became almost a "Doctor Who"-esque worldwide cult in it's own right, but - unlike the "Shrek" films, it becoming the very thing it set out to rip the piss out of - still never taking itself too seriously. [/Doug Piranha]
...oh, and Landover Baptist Church is that way; at least they admit (albeit in a stealth way on it's disclaimer page) they're a satire. ------->
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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