>>"Babylonian Religion-The Root of Atheism"
WRONG!!</lexluthor> However, there's more than a chance that Babylonian religious practices influenced the Hebrews and the Old Testament writings.
>>"What does the Roman Catholic Church, Darwinism, and Atheism have in common? FRUIT off the same tree!"
So wait, wait, wait. Are the Catholics Christians, or aren't they?? You guys seem to be waffling on that issue.
>>"Did you know when you profess to be an atheist that you are professing to be religious?"
How so? You're not declaring belief in a deity of any kind. Atheists don't have an atheist church or a holy book or rituals. They don't say prayers to dead men.
>>"If you find out where and when something was born, you can find out a lot about that something."
Exactly. That's why a lot of people end up leaving various churches.
>>"Atheism is a wicked religion. Religion has always been the enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ!"
Is that so? Seriously, can't you fundies make up your minds about anything?? This entire original post is the most convoluted thing I've ever read.