I'll stick to the facts and logically so. Atheism is logically void of any meaning. Try reading Isaiah 28. It mentions atheist. They have a covenant with death but death will deceive them and fail them and break the covenant and every atheist will be raised up on the last day to face God at the great white throne judgment and they will have to give God and acooiunting for their life and what they chose to believe. Believe it or not!
Actually, if He was any type of just god He would say, "I'm sorry for failing you, my son. Welcome to heaven."
It's not my fault I left the flock, is it?
Uhhh, ocb . Arguing from the Bible with atheists is totally useless. Since atheists by definition do not believe in God, would it not follow that we do not believe the Bible to be the word of God? Spout all the Babble verses you want. Pardon us if we ignore you.
I don't believe it. And I've read Isaiah 28, and it doesn't convince me of anything. That kind of thing only works when your target audience already believes, you know. All I've ever gotten from reading a Bible is that they badly needed a good editor, and they a lot of the copies kind of smell funny.
"They have a covenant with death but death will deceive them and fail them and break the covenant and every atheist will be raised up on the last day to face God at the great white throne judgment and they will have to give God and acooiunting for their life and what they chose to believe."
"Hello everybody, I'm Chris and I never sinned. Sorry no witnesses. You'll just have to take my word for it.. sort of like the bible."
I tried reading Isiah 28, but it's kind of a vague, barely coherent mess and I couldn't bring myself to slog all the way through it to whichever specific passage you're referring to.
With all respect, what makes you think that you being incapable of reading the text has any bearing on its validity? This is akin to attempting to refute an argument by saying that, "It was hard for me to understand what you were saying, so I did not bother listening all the way." Do you not see how logically flawed such a response is?
It is perfectly fine to challenge someone's comment, but it is silly to challenge it on the grounds of you not having given it proper consideration.
I choose not.
Actually, if I come face to face with God after I die, HE had better have a good accounting for all this mess!
Could you arrange to have it videotaped for those of us who aren't there in time to enjoy the show live?
@ The Watcher:
I do not see where the original poster mentions that this will be "blindingly obvious." I don't even care if it doesn't say that in the verse he mentioned. The point is, the argument "Brains_in_a_Jar" made on the grounds of him not being capable to read it completely is foolish.
@ Berny:
Since it appears that you are doing nothing more than expressing your random thoughts in your second post (correct me if I am wrong) as it has nothing to do with anything posted here (which is fine), I'll contribute with equally as significant of a statement, "Sometimes I pick my nose until it bleeds."
Anonymous, if you'd care to read what I actually wrote instead of what you were evidently expecting to read, you'll notice that I did not make any accusations about the validity of the argument. All I did was to remark about the text being vague and bad at getting to the point (and it is bad at getting to the point. Most of it is unnecessary or repeated qualifiers and exclamations along the lines of "pay attention while I'm ranting at you!"). At most, I'd suggest my post could be construed as a request for a more specific reference, or for somebody else to quote the relevant text with comments.
However, if you want arguments about validity, then here we go:
Isiah 28 is basically a rant, and addressed specifically at "the drunkards of Ephraim". Since I am neither of that house nor do I get drunk, it has no direct relevance to me, or a great many other people. The "covenant with death" passage is directed at the rulers of Jerusalem - again, I am not one of these people, and I'd wager most other people here aren't either.
This brings us neatly to the big one, the business of atheists. Isiah 28 doesn't say one damn thing about atheism or people who do not believe the supernatural. The passage you cite refers to those who lie about god, not those who don't believe he exists. The specific "covenant" quote you provide is ludicrous. How does one make a deal with an abstract, non-anthropomorphic concept, ie death? If god did exist, how could one ever lie to oneself that more lies would save one from him? The fact that no details are mentioned and that this is just part of a much larger rant leads me to suppose that this is nothing but meaningless hyperbole, as part of a much longer diatribe on that tired old theme, which is an expression of ill-defined discontent with the world around the author because of perceived immorality, mostly drunkeness.
But this is all small potatoes. The real killer argument is that Isiah 28 would only be valid if god actually existed. This is something nobody has ever proved, and any rationalist must assume non existence in the absence of evidence, otherwise we'd be going around believing in any amount of unsubstantiated tripe. Quoting Isiah 28 merely adds details to the fairy story; it does absolutely fuck all to improve the actual validity of that story.
JRR Tolkien's "The Silmarillion" adds colossal detail to the mythology of Middle Earth compared to his other books but, until I see a balrog on my lawn, it will remain mythology.
If you apply logic, you can´t mention, sooner afterwards, a book as "proof" for your claims because LOGICALLY no sacred book is going to critisise the religion it supports.
Those are logical facts now? Right.
And Brain_In_A_Jar:
JRR Tolkien's "The Silmarillion" adds colossal detail to the mythology of Middle Earth compared to his other books but, until I see a balrog on my lawn, it will remain mythology.
I may just have to save this quote and use it in future. Fantastic. *grin*
Issaih 28 a paraphrase:
God sure is great, but he gets pissed off too. If you like to drink, boy, he's gonna be pissed at you. Oh yeah, you won't believe all of the things that god is going to do when he does them. There sure will be a lot, and I mean a LOT of things he will do. Yup, he's a god who does stuff. I mean, he won't do it NOW, you see, or even this last few thousand years, no, he's waiting though. Biding his time, and then, when you least expect it, whoa nelly! He's gonna get you good. You'll see. Yep, you'll see. One day, yeah, one day...it's...it's bound to...bound to happen. *sigh
“I'll stick to the facts and logically so.”
Doubt it, but let’s see your logic.
“Atheism is logically void of any meaning.”
What meaning has anyone claimed Atheism has? I mean, it’s a stance on whether gods are real or fictional.
“Try reading Isaiah 28.”
Why? If i’m atheist, I PROBABLY don’t put a whole lot of credit in the writings of people claiming a god inspired them.
If i’m an atheist, what value would i ascribe to Isaiah?
“and they will have to give God and acooiunting for their life and what they chose to believe. Believe it or not!”
Okay. God knows all, right? He knows what i believe, and how i came to believe it. If your god, of all the candidates, were to show up at the end, I’d be fully honest with it. None of his representatives made sense, most of them were not decent followers, I would bet that maybe ten, eleven people would qualify as Real Christains on Judgment Day.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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