Your pseudoscientific "substance" argument appears to rely on an extremely simple view of the world, like those models magicians use to play mind games with, pretending that perhaps the "reflective model" might also allow to reflect will on the actual world.
The "is not physical" argument is often used by fundamentalists about anything they refuse to acknowledge actually has a physical basis, but that they cannot immediately grasp. It's like an ironic form of metaphysical idealist physicalist realism: if I can't touch it, it's non-material, but, everything I can imagine exists. Also related to god of the gaps: if I can't "touch" my ideas, it means that it's in the realm of the divine, where my imaginary beings also exist.
In realty, the mind is a complex product of the neurology of the brain, resting on actual physical processes, like electricity and chemistry. Neurosurgeons have discovered a number of neurological correlates of direct consciousness and experience. Further evidence is that when we engineer with inspiration from neurology, we achieve technological applications, for instance image recognition. It may never fully be explored, but does a hole in knowledge mean that it can all be thrown down the toilet in favor of human fantasies of the mind? Apparently, for the religious, even if it will not alter facts and reality.
Adam and Eve were mythological characters created by ancient humans of a particular tradition. Found in a few of the many origin myths. Why not Ask and Embla?
Then of course, "cannot have evolved" is nonsense when there's plenty of solid evidence that organisms have evolved. Like with the above, noncomprehension, ignorance, denial -> god of the gaps. A property of the human brain is that it's unreliable and prone to self-deception, where education can make the difference between alienation and the ability to more effectively reason, something that's not necessarily "nature", vs "nurture": knowledge and critical thinking are acquired, even if it requires natural human brains potentially capable of complex symbolic thinking. Exploring the world and discovering reality is a difficult process for humans.