(On why one-piece swimsuits are appropriate but a two-piece is not)
I heard Jason Evert speak once and he explained that the belly button is the "window to the womb", a most sacred part of a woman's body, and therefore should be protected. He also drew an analogy between the "veil" that protects the Body of Christ in the tabernacle and clothing as a veil for the belly button.
"window to the womb"
A womb with a view?
Or *maybe* the "veil" that protects the Body of Christ is more similar to the "veil" that Muslim women wear? Are you guys going to start wearing burkas's now?
(No, because all your stupid rules are man-made anyway)
As I read this I come to the realization that having spent an increasing amount of time in here I am getting more and more blazé about it. I mean, when I first found this page and started reading it, the stupid almost made me gouge my eyes out, and on some instances has severely atrophied my brain (not to mention the vast amounts of cash having been spent in order to replace several Irony Meters - I now get special volume-order discount when buying Irony Meters in bulk).
So yes, I did feel that I have been getting more and more blazé about the stupid of the fundies, however in this instance the stupid is just too much - it burns, scorches, sears and combusts!
*looks down*
Penis. *check*
Scrotum. *check*
Hairy chest. *check*
Navel. *check* WTF?
Men have navels too? Does that mean that somewhere inside me there is a womb bursting to get out - so to speak?
But what about those hot one-piece suits with a "window" to the "window to the womb"?
And to follow The Jamo's reasoning; please tell me by "one-piece" you mean "topless", KathyA.
" the belly button is the "window to the womb", a most sacred part of a woman's body,"
Anatomical fail. The window to the womb is lower down.
I heard Jason Evert speak once and he explained that the belly button is the "window to the womb", a most sacred part of a woman's body, and therefore should be protected.
Believe it or not, in American 1960s television, it was forbidden to display a woman's belly button. Don't believe me? Watch an episode of Star Trek and try to find a single belly button.
Sex Ed FTW.
You get to the womb from the VAGINA, not the belly button!
No wonder you guys are so sexually frustrated. You're fucking the wrong hole.
OK, vaginas I'm fine with. Boobs and the butt I can sort of understand.
...but... the fucking bellybutton?
This reminds me of the Dark Ages, when it was considered indecent of a woman to show her fucking ankles. What's next, that women (why is it always women?!) need to cover their mouths because it's used for kissing?
Reminds me of a puppeteer goes by the name Atkelar, has a character, "Professor McSlug". He's a slug who is a (very bad) doctor.
"The arm bone's connected to the...hip bone, the hip bone's connected to the...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??"
Mr. Evert, I'd say is a pervert.
Who else but a pervert or a sex addict would sit there for hours on end "studying" women's swimsuits in the name of Christ?
So... Christ encourages men to be perverts... got it. Thx.
"Womb with a view"
Nice one!
OUTSTANDING!! I vote for this
So women have to cover their belly buttons but tits and ass can be shown and that is OK !!!
Way to go I can see a new fashion starting already ;-)
It´s a scar we get when the umbilical cord is cut and, supposedly, you grow up, being man or woman. Nice way to, involuntarily, say the opposite of what really is.
Ok, and for men, what on earth does it mean?, it´s the entrance to the Temple of Doom of his organism?. And talking about anatomy, it doesn´t connect to the womb. It´s a scar.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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