That's right, you can be a buffoon and still be President, apparently; see Reagan and Bush JR for evidence.
Evolution is a recent theory, yes, and it's the basis for Biology. It’s much older than computers and the Internet, though, and those are also based on "theories", but you apparently manage to believe in THEM!
Humans, as we see them today, have only been around about a hundred thousand years.
I'm able to walk outside my front door and step on liquefied dinosaur bones mixed with aggregate (a.k.a. asphalt concrete). Only a fraction of all life become fossils, silly, but we still have museums full of them, all over the world.
Charles Darwin was the first who put the idea of evolution on paper, but he was far from the first to think along those lines. The ToE, however, have now "evolved" so much since his time, that he would barely recognize it, and it lives its own life, independently of him. (Which is good, as he's been dead for over hundred years...)
Who's the nut? I thought we established that in the first line. Huckabee is, of course, and you too, for believing his idiocies. He's only after more money, he won't make life easier for middle-class people. He will only help his already disgustingly rich friends.