It seems this faggot like your-self was heterosexual once.
He too like you, had children and later in life elected to
go with a faggot life.
You both give new meaning to, born-again, lol.
First of all, calling yourself "Death" on the internet is almost as lame as using the same in person.
Second of all, it's 'homosexual,' not 'faggot.'
Third of all, you're a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Death, you fail at life, since you are, in fact, a dumb fuck.
You know, there are people who are bisexual. And there are sometimes gay people who try to hide it by going into a heterosexual partnership, usually because of fear or because they've made the mistake of listening to idiots like you. But nobody can be recruited into a sexuality. It's something you're born with.
"It seems this nigger like your-self was caucasian once.
He too like you, had children and later
in life elected to
go with a nigger life.
You both give new meaning to, born-again, lol. "
Switched the words around to make what's wrong more obvious. Enough said. It ain't ironic that homophobes and Ku Klux people are both from the south Bible Belt....
ANYONE who claims homoseuxality is a choice is a homosexual (or at the very least bisexual). Not that there's anything wrong with it, I'm just stating that I could not choose to be attracted to big rugged builders over pretty Japanese schoolgirls if my life depended on it. If you're claiming homosexuality is a choice you're effectively saying, 'look, we all want to suck dick but some of us fear our God enough not to do so'. Believe me, if being attracted to women was only a choice I wouldn't have made such a dick of myself in front of so many girls in my teen years with the old 'I loooove you' pathetic shpiel. I know it's hard to accept but some of us are genuinely attracted to the opposite sex and would still be without a giant invisible terrorist in our bedroom.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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