Geez, guy....when was Genesis disproven?!? How could I have missed that?! On the other hand Darwin has been discredited for decades....I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in in public school.
Ummm.. a literal reading of Genesis was disproven the moment Galileo saw the transit of Jupiter's moons across its face. I also do not know how you missed it. You are correct that some of Darwin's hypotheses have been discounted over the years by further research, but the result is a stronger and more useful synthesis of evolutionary theory, not its abandonment.
Geez, guy....when was Genesis disproven? It isn't. But the Theory of Evolution shoots at least a large portion of it out of the water. And that's just one example.
I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in Mirror, mirror on the wall...
Darwin has not been decades disproven, at least by the scientific community(moreover, 40 years ago only some crackpots believed that). Concerning, have you seen a snake speaking?
"Geez, guy....when was Genesis disproven?!?"
Uh, over and over again for hundreds of years.
"How could I have missed that?!"
Good question. Maybe you're just an idiot.
"On the other hand Darwin has been discredited for decades...."
No, Bible-thumping dinkwads have been CLAIMING that for decades, but they haven't actually discredited anything but their own methods and beliefs.
"I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in in public school."
I suggest you read some actual, credible scientific literature on evolution. Just reading some of Hovind's website and talking to your pastor don't amount to anything like research. It's that kind of lack of real information which caused you to miss Genesis being disproven in the first place.
Geez, guy....when was Genesis disproven?!?
When comets were observed travelling between the planetary spheres. When Darwin proved that species are not immutable. When radiometric dating proved that the Earth is 500 times older than Genesis states.
How could I have missed that?!
That's what I'd like to know. I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in in home-school.
On the other hand Darwin has been discredited for decades....
That's true, but evolutionary biology has moved on and is more credible than ever.
I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in in public school.
I do - and it's all unscientific religious nonsense.
"How could I have missed that?!"
Good question. Maybe you're just an idiot.
If they weren't an idiot, would they be quoted here?
Technically, we can't disprove Genesis because it's not falsifiable. Try disproving that the dust balls under my bed aren't plotting the overthrow of the government of Andorra.
As far as evolution goes, well, one word - IRONCLAD!
Well, Genesis says the earth is about 6,000 years old. Astronomy has found the remnants of a supernova 169,000 light years away, measured by direct triangulation . A few creationists have tried to explain it by inventing Star-Trek type space warps and nonsense about the speed of light changing, although they've neither provided evidence nor looked for it.
Excuse me, just when was "Genesis proven"? I mean as something besides a group of religious stories? Darwin has been "discredited for decades"?? Gonna have to show some proof of that! I SUGGEST you read some books outside the ones with the box with the crayons in it, that they gave you in Sunday School.
I suggest you do a liytle reading outside the box you were put in in public school.
Right back at ya, monkey pants.
"Geez, guy....when was Genesis disproven?!?
A few hundred years ago!!!
How could I have missed that?!
By being a brainwashed fundie!!
On the other hand Darwin has been discredited for decades....
Yes, Darwins original theory was replace by the noesynthetic theory in the 1930s.
I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in in public school."
I suggest you do a little thinking outside the box you were put in in fundie mythology.
I just love this. Okay, let's play the "kill the messenger game".
Darwin got a few points wrong, so Evolution is false. Fine.
Talking snakes... there goes the bible.
Newton's theory wasn't complete, Einstein needed to complete it. I can flyyyyyyy.
I say Genesis was debunked or disproven? when BRUNO, GIORDANO
poet, and priest who spread the ideas of Copernicus as well as his own ideas that there were an infinity of worlds in the universe and that the stars were other suns.
He was burned at the stake for heresy.
But the word was out the Genesis flawed was bull shit.
The funny thing is that Bruno thought that there being countless billions of planet did disprove god but exalted him and his greatness.
I guess the church did think so though
It was never proven.
More importantly though, which ARE you complaining about? The one where your gawd makes two people out of clay, or the one where he makes one, and then another out of his rib?
And is this the same "omnipotent deity" that can do nothing against those in chariots of iron?
Not to nitpick, but by my calculations, 6000 goes into 4.5 billion years some 750,000 times. That is somewhat more than 500 times. ;-)
That doesn't make Drmwvr 's post any less half-witted, though.
Genesis has been disproven by astronomy, geology, biology, chemistry, et al for several hundred years now.
When has the Theory of Evolution been discredited?
Holy fuck! I just had an epiphany!
"I suggest you do a little reading outside the box you were put in in public school."
Don't you see? When this poor fuck was in school, THEY KEPT HIM IN A BOX. It all makes perfect sense now. He spent his school days in a cardboard box, and he doesn't realize that everyone else didn't.
You poor, poor sonofabitch...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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