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The Devil's Book of Virtues
You can't have a society without a moral system. Even cannibals and unions hold to some vision of morality.
For some hundred and fifty years, the smartest people in America have been trying to dump its Christian moral code. They've just about succeeded; but to crown their efforts with success, they must install a whole new moral system of their own devising.
In this they have progressed to the point where we can actually see their replacement morality taking shape. As put forth by our political leaders, judges, media mouths, celebrities, academics, teacher unions, and their master and mentor, the Devil, here is our new tool kit of virtues.
Racism is now a virtue - at least, if you're black. After generations of suffering under racism, black people in America are being taught to become the thing they've always hated. The many who resist this teaching are publicly despised and hated. They're not "urban," they're not "brothers." Most of them haven't even played "knockout" - a popular urban game featuring violent attacks on defenseless individuals, preferably white - or joined a flash mob in looting a convenience store. Those are still on the books as crimes, but the Justice Department only chortles at them.
Sexual confusion, even more than racism, is a virtue, rapidly replacing monogamous marriage as an American ideal. Someday, what most of us have always thought of as marriage and family life will be condemned as sins, or maybe even crimes. Thus we hear in the news of a 6-foot-5, 50-something guy with his dong cut off playing on a women's college basketball team; and the girls look up to this poor lost soul as - barf bag, please - a "mother figure." This sort of thing seems to be rep lacing "gay-ness" as the spearhead in the culture war.
Envy has become our favorite virtue. It used to be a deadly sin, but we know better now. Envy is the straw that stirs Progressivism's drink - indeed, it is the drink. Whattya mean, "Thou shalt not covet"? How else are we to drum up votes for Democrats?
Stoking the fires of envy would be unproductive - and maybe even dangerous - without elevating Theft to the status of a virtue. Theft used to be a sin; but now, if you and your friends burst into a store and seize the merchandise, you'll only be seen as free-lancing in social justice. The real thief is the class enemy who's trying to make a profit on the stuff. But robbery is even more of a virtue when practiced by the government. Congress can rob millions of people in the time it takes a mob to strip and trash a single hotdog wagon.
Murder, as long as the victim is a baby not yet born, is an enduring virtue. According to the current occupier of the White House, abortion is how girls and young women fulfill their dreams. The only kind of murder that has no highly-paid apologists for it is a killing done in self-defense.
Once upon a time, truth-telling was a virtue in America. This has been replaced by Lying. In the updated version of the story, young George Washington not only chops down his father’s cherry tree; he successfully blames it on the kid next door. Lying, we may fairly say, has become the very pearl of virtue.
Say, for instance, that a U.S. ambassador and several American citizens are savagely murdered by Muslim terrorists in Benghazi, Libya. What an opportunity to exercise our virtue! First our public officials boldly tell the lie that this was just a spontaneous protest demonstration, provoked by a youtube video that no one ever heard of. When the direct lie fails, officials and “news” media fall back on lying by omission, simply refusing to talk about the incident. When the secretary of state is summoned to answer Congress’ questions about the doings in Benghazi, she conks her head and, voila—no testimony.
Soon we shall see what it’s like to live in a society based on the Devil’s virtues of lying, racism, sexual anarchy, envy, theft, and murder.
We’ll see it, that’s for sure. But I’ll bet you a Hope and Change bumper sticker we won’t like it.