I always love talking with some atheist or agnostic who thinks that it "bothers" me when the gospel is rejected... the attitude that they have somehow hurt me or caused me some emotional pain is too funny. I could really care less if they blaspheme their way to the gates of perdition, I like it when the fools act the fool... I enjoy a good laugh and one at their expense is even better.
If I was a drinking man, it wouldn't bother me at all to raise a glass in honor of their rejection of truth... I am one of those folks that plan on sitting in the front row all decked out in full party regalia when the damned are cast into the lake of fire... I laugh now, I'll really be laughing then, in fact I plan on making a copy of the highlights. Some of that stuff is bound to be side splitting funny, I can't wait.
The look on ya'lls faces when you get judged on every sin that you've ever committed...ROFLMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't wait to hear some of the idiotic excuses... when God uses the fool proof method whereby you actually indict yourself is sure to produce some looks of astonishment, bewilderment, and my favorite...the flat out blank stare where your eyes just blink several times...ROFLMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you guys are gonna give me centuries of enjoyment. Thanks, guys.
The problem is what Uberluteran and I have pointed out often. If those fundies really didn´t bother about the Gospel being rejected, they wouldn´t make such a fuss. They would keep with their lives giving living testimony of their faiths. I mean, they would be helping, generous...........well, Jesus gives a complete list. The question is that if they attack atheist so much is because they do bother the Gospel being rejected.
"looks of astonishment, bewilderment, and my favorite...the flat out blank stare where your eyes just blink several times . . . when you find out Islam is the real religion and you're gonna give Osama centuries of enjoyment.
"I am one of those folks that plan on sitting in the front row all decked out in full party regalia when the damned are cast into the lake of fire... I laugh now, I'll really be laughing then"
Yeah, you and Thomas Aquinas.
"That the saints may enjoy their beatitude and the grace of God more abundantly they are permitted to see the punishment of the damned in hell."
-- Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica
So, taking delight in the torment of others is a Christian value?
I am one of those folks that plan on sitting in the front row all decked out in full party regalia
What's that quote about "best laid plans" and all?
Invictus Imbecilicus, you're planning to spend centuries in hell, then. You said so. Otherwise, how could you gloat at all the hellbound? I guess you fancy yourself to be soooooo damned special that Satan will hire you as an overseer, eh? Perhaps after a few millenia of doing headstands in the cesspit, you'll be fit for duty.
On the
Ok, I'm stuck: what's the "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" bit mean?
I've given up on fundamentalists. Seriously. The only thing you can do to shut them up is take a shotgun and blow their fucking brains out. Like a fucking horse, they should just be shot and put out of their misery. Would be doing them a favor, seeing as they're going to heaven anyways.
P.S. I would love to see god judge you on this little number, asshole. I'll see in Hell, you goddamn fundie.
Either you're wrong, in which case you're fundamentally evil and there is no god, or you're right and you wish eternal pain for others, in which case your god will certainly send you to hell.
Pascals Wager 2
Invictus, I would LOOOOVE to see the look on your face as you stand before God and He asks you the most important question of all: Did you love your fellow humans?
Your flat-out blank stare where your eyes just blink several times...your spluttering as you try to explain that you were only doing "His will" by hating people He hated...and when He tells you that the hate was all in your own heart...
Really, so when I ask your god; "Why did you sit back and watch little children get raped and murdered?" Hes going to have a fool proof answer for it?
P.S. Thankyou for warning us that you are an asshole!
yes because from what i've read of your jesus obviously he will be standing at the front row going 'hahahhaha DIE DIE DIE IN A FIRE'
if it did happen the poor guy would be off to one side crying to himself. or hanging out in hell - after all, during his life the guy was supposed to be hanging out with prostitutes and thieves and other 'sinners' right.
maybe he thought they were more interesting.
Reminds me of a story from Luke about a Pharisee and a tax collector. Remember that story Invictus? I didn't think so.
By the way, the Pharisee reminds me of you.
Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off. Or offfffffffff, in this case.
I've come across them before, too timid to use the word "ass".
Mayhaps it means 'Rolling On Floor, Laughing My Bum Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off'
But how many people have fifteen arses? Even the monkeys in South Park had only four butts. Hence the need for ROFL MAO.
And I'll be LMAO at you "christians" the day you get the mother of all wake up calls.
Oh wait, no I won't because a) I don't enjoy watching others suffer and b) there won't be anything to laugh at.
I will never understand why anyone would enjoy seeing someone suffer for all eternity.
If they really REALLY deserve it, I would feel justice is served if they spend a few years or more there. But an eternity in hell is too much for even the worst scum on this earth.
One of the reasons I reject your religion? Because it sanctions the idea that a hateful, spiteful, petulant child like yourself is worthy of salvation because...why, because you say the right juju, dance the right dance, and tell your wood carving that you're super super sorry, and that because of that, you can be an epic asshole to anyone who differs from your sadistic mentality. Because...y'know...not perfect, but forgiven, right? The thought that any alleged God of Love and Peace would have any concept of hell, let alone turn the condemnation of a soul to it into a three-ring circus, where people like you would be watching, lotion and tissue handy, sickens me to no end. You have the nerve to claim moral superiority, while blatantly revelling in the thought of people suffering for eternity? You are a special breeed of evil, my friend. And I pity you for it.
Yeah, I don't think enjoying the pain and suffering of others is something anyone should do, especially if they're a Christian. Honestly, the fact that you would enjoy that kind of suffering so much doesn't make you out to be a good person, at all.
I always love talking with some atheist or agnostic who thinks that it "bothers" me when the gospel is rejected
If you ever want to know the reason why people reject you and your religion, look in a mirror.
You COULD care less? In other words, you do care quite a bit, right?
You plan to party and laugh at other people's misery and perdition? Yeah, that sounds EXACTLY like the teachings of Christ.
What about your sins, dearie? I see at least four of the deadly ones (greed, pride, lust and gluttony), and judge not lest ye be judged, that which you do to the least of my people you do unto me, love thy neighbor as yourself. It seems we will be laughing at you as well. I guess your stare will be the blankest one there...
Don't bother shooting the messenger here, I'm an agnostic.
I find it sick that OP should ride a high horse and yet mock the misery of another beyond the notion that justice ought to be done. Perhaps Invictus, the master of his (her) fate and captain of his (her) soul, sees the same side of the story as Aquinas, and himself (herself) as a saint. But one wonders what saint would consider revelling in the suffering of others a virtue.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
In my opinion, Invictus / OP is but crying aloud.
Are you really so sure that your god would reward someone who is, by your own admission, such a lousy missionary? Who's to say your god won;t take you aside and say, "dude, you made me look bad so I'm gonna have to let you go."
See you in hell Invictus
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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