Thank you Carico for doing more than any atheist possibly could to turn people away from belief in Jesus.
Thank you for your amazeing witnessing against Christ and Christianity as detailed below.
Thank you for your constant ridiculous posts on mulitiple websites that increases doubt amongst the saved.
Thank you for having undoubtably caused thousands to question thier belief in the Judeo-Christian god and Jesus.
Thank you for believeing that knowledge and science are counter to Gods will and somehow threaten God.
Thank you for showing that your god is weak, impotent, limited, and a liar when he said we had free will.
Thank you for your rejection of all science even while you use it to post on a computer.
Thank you for your childish need to refute ideas and theories you know nothing about with psuedo-science and nonsense.
Thank you for your constant spewing of rants against reality and your insistance that to be a true Christian reality has to be denied.
Thank you for doing for us what we cannot do ourselves, as atheists we are disbelieved, but then you as a christian show them yourself that Christianity cannot be believed.
Thank you for the threads I have read where you were cited by name as contributing to peoples decision to become an atheist.
Thank you for ruining the ideal of Christianity in so many people's eyes, you are doing more for the atheist cause than I ever could. I bow down to my superior...
Again my thanks Carico, no one I know has caused more disbelief in Christianity than you have, hopefully you are a poe and you'll take this as a compliment. However if your actually a christian as most believe you are...well...your doing it wrong, and going to hell I guess. :(