Obama's Ultimate Deception
Obama said he hopes his good works will get him to heaven someday. He said this in 2006. That is Islamic theology. It is not Christian theology.
Obama consistently sides with Islam, as he consistently stands against Christians. As David Barton has documented, Obama is the most biblically hostile President in history.
Those possessing discernment understand this manufactured controversy about Obama's faith orientation is another Leftist attempt to cast Christians in a poor light, accusing us of Islamophobia and bigotry for simply examining facts and arriving at reasonable conclusions.
Given Obama's track record telling outright lies, why should anyone trust him when he claims to be a Christian, especially when his policies and behaviors and statements all contradict the claim?
I'm being told that the prevalent view among Moslem theologians is that everyone who submitted to God (ie. recited shahada and meant it) will, eventually, reach paradise. If that is salvation by works, so is Baptist view.
"Obama said he hopes his good works will get him to heaven someday. He said this in 2006. That is Islamic theology. It is not Christian theology"
Correction, it is not Lutherian theology. Luther was an arsehole with a God complex and he wrote a whole lot of BS. The majority of christians still accept salvation through works. So, maybe, just maybe, Allan and his ilk are the ones who are not really christian.
Sorry, Allan, but the whole good works thing is part of Catholic theology, which makes it Christian by definition,
Where did Islam come into this? He isn't YOUR brand of Christian, but he's a Christian nonetheless. Of course, there are more flavors of christianity than there are books in the bible (fact!), and a good many of them are trying to pretend that ALL the others aren't "true" Christians, and that by some dumb luck they happened to be raised with "the only true" Christian sect. If so, I hope you play the lottery a LOT, and I expect you to be fabulously wealthy and famous by now. (* peeks at poster's name *) .....no. Not even close.
this manufactured controversy about Obama's faith orientation is another Leftist attempt to cast Christians in a poor light
You're... joking, right? Because it's always been conservative Christians who have been running around claiming that he's a Muslim, and everyone else is just calling you out on your Islamophobia. And I agree it's a manufactured controversy, manufactured by your lot in order to whip up the right wing into an anti-Obama and anti-Muslim frenzy, and a weak attempt to try to discredit him with everyone else.
David Barton, the world's greatest historian. He is never wrong. You must be right since you are using that expert as a credible witness.
Just to let you know it's right wing Christians who give Christians a bad name, the left Christians are the only reason I have any respect for them at all.
"...Leftist attempt to cast Christians in a poor light..."
You need no such help. Since you like metaphors, that would be gilding the lily.
Luther: I got them eating out of my hand!
Leo: Just how far do you think you can take this?
Luther: Watch. (to throng) Repeat after me!
Throng: Repeat after me!
Luther: No, not yet!
Throng: No, not yet!
Luther: The way to Heaven is by faith alone!
Throng: The way to Heaven is by faith alone!
Leo: You're Out! ... Unless ... Maybe you'd like to buy an Indulgence? I brought one with me....
In fairness to Luther, the reason why he rejected salvation by works is that at the time the Church had become so ridiculously corrupt that works had basically come to mean "pay lots of money to the Church to get in good with God." When viewed like this his decision was a bit more understandable. Well IIRC.
Obama said he hopes his good works will get him to heaven someday. ... It is not Christian theology.
"You believe that there is one God; you do well; even the demons believe ..." (James 2:19)
"You see that faith was active along with his [Abraham's] works, and faith was completed by works." (James 2:22)
"You see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone. (James 2:24)"
Read your own darn book, Allan. Of course, Luther had a tendency to cherry-pick the Bible to further his thesis that the sacraments and priestly absolution were unnecessary, so he famously dismissed James as an "epistle of straw"; but if you pick and choose the parts of the Bible you want to listen to, you can prove almost anything.
Well, it doesn't come out and say Obama is a Muslim, but it certainly implies it. So I will make my standard remark about the Obama-is-a-Muslim claim:
A Muslim is required to pray in the direction of Mecca five times A DAY, fast during the month of Ramadan, and at some point during life make the pilgrimage to Mecca. Given that Obama has not been seen doing any of these things, if he is a Muslim he's one of the worst Muslims ever.
That is Islamic theology.
Ok, let's look at this. Obama is a Muslim.
Obama was baptized, as was his wife and his children. Obama attends Christian church services. He uses a Bible.
So it can only follow that Muslims are people who are baptized, have their children baptized and attend Christian churches.
Sounds simple to me.
"accusing us of Islamophobia and bigotry for simply examining facts and arriving at reasonable conclusions."
Well that sounds familiar. Like I've read some bullshit along these lines in the comments of this site.
Must be my imagination. ;)
"another Leftist attempt to cast Christians in a poor light"
You don't actually need any help with that, you're doing fine yourselves.
"As David Barton has documented"
ANYTHING that comes after that statement is bullshit.
Try to find anyone in history who has been proven to lie more than Barton. (Liey McLiepants isn't a real person) The slightest research on this habitual liar on history for theocratic agendas cannot be find one worse or wasn't nearly so successful at it.
Which doesn't bode well for modern society as there's been many huge liars playing this for years, every church really.
"Obama consistently sides with Islam"
Given the right-wing's track record of telling outright lies, why should anyone trust them when they claim to be Christian, especially when their policies and behaviours and statements all contradict the claim?
Then you lot wonder why Obama was elected: twice ...?
Obama's Ultimate Deception
Trump sure deceived you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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