I don't like writing in all caps. I find it rude and irritating and I don't like it when people do it. But seriously, this guy really wants to make me ask, once again, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE GODDAMN CONSPIRACY?
What are the "Evironential Wackos" trying to do? What is their big evil plan?
Seriously, all people are saying is that we should be more energy efficient. Right now we are using energy as if there was no tomorrow. And we're mainly using non-renewable energy sources. Do you get what that means? That means that the sources of energy we use are NOT renewable, i.e. they are going to fucking run out.
So I don't care if man made global warming is true or not. Evidence points to that it is, but hey, what do I know. I do however know that regardless of our effect on the climate, we need to lessen our energy consumption and go over to renewable energy sources.
Our entire economy, everything from transportation,to farming, to manufacture... whatever you buy, eat, drink, drive or otherwise use... is built on the fact that we have oil, coal and uranium. But those things are going to run out. We have uranium for a couple hundred years left, tops. No one can be sure how much oil and coal we have. Sooner or later there will be none, and if we haven't come up with something better by then our entire economy and our entire society will collapse under the weight of our uncontrolled energy consumption.
So, if the "commies" want you to save some money for yourself by saving some energy, and if this leads to saving human civilization in the long run, then WHY IS THAT SUCH A FUCKING BAD THING?
Please, can some of these nuts (I've heard similar things many, many times) please, please, some day explain what the hell the evil plan is.. Because I don't get it..