[Shoshana addresses a Gentile woman who is in a relationship with a Jewish man.]
Even if you "convert" you will not be Jewish. Because conversion means keeping the mitzvahs in the Torah. Even if some Jews have stopped keeping them, they are still Jewish because they were born to Jewish mothers and they never loose their Judaism. But if someone wants to gain admission to this unique club called Judaism, to be part of the people who stood at Sinai, then he must fulfill the Laws that were reveled to us at that time. Otherwise it's a phony and invalid conversion. And you might ask, "so what?" Because if your fiancee marries a non-Jew he is turning his back on the Torah that we received at Sinai, on his glorious ancestry starting with Father Abraham, on the Jews who sacrificed their lives to remain Jewish during the Spanish Inquisition, and the time of Chanukah, and on his own family. Marrying out is the greatest disloyalty to the Jewish people. HIS CHILDREN WON'T BE JEWISH AND IT IS THE DESTRUCTION OF JUDAISM. It is the SILENT HOLOCAUST.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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