Of course, nobody would be able to prove any cause and effect. But remember these words: Elevating a person like Hillary Clinton to the presidency of the United States will unleash hell in America in a way very few of us can even comprehend, let alone remedy.
Remember these words. George Bush has been president for the past 7 years. America is flushing down the toilet. Elevating him to the presidency of the United States has unleashed hell in a way you can't comprehend, mostly because you are a stupid fundie who can't comprehend anything outside your big book of myths.
I'm not even going to try to understand what this idiot is implying, or how they came to that belief.
On an unrelated note, I'm still fairly new to this site - what is a POE? Piece of Excrement? Person of Evil? Peon of Emphatic Proportions? :D
Seriously, definition please? Forgive my newbiness. ^^
@ Stormy1x2: Poe's Law states that 'without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing.'
And the reason it's called Poe's Law is that it was put forward by Nathan Poe. Obviously. It's just a name.
That article was a complete train wreck... I do love the part where he talks about Reagan having "such respect" for the Oval Office that he'd never enter without a coat and tie. All that proves to me is that Reagan had a pole up his ass. Earth to Kupelian: it's not the symbols that are important, it's how you govern the country. The President could have orgies in the Oval Office and I wouldn't care as long as it didn't interfere with running the country.
While there are many reasons not to elect Hillary as president (the fact that she's a vainglorious, censorious, intrusive, chicken-hawk bitch being just one), she is not the Antichrist.
Up Obama!
Well I would if I was a US citizen.
I'll give you five hundred dollars* and cry if she, or anyone, manages to do worse than Bush.
*Those are Canadian dollars by the way, which will, supposing this come to pass, inevitably be worth more than American dollars.
Well, let's see some actual figures:
Stock market under 8 years of Clinton: +188%
Stock Market under 7 years of Bush: +2%
Value of a $ in Euros under 8 years of Clinton: $1.19 => $1.11
Value of a $ in Euros under 7 years of Bush: $1.11 => $0.65 *
National Debt Increase under 8 years of Clinton: $1.6 t.
National Debt Increase under 7 years of Bush: $3.5 t.
Average Price of Regular Gas under 8 years of Clinton: $1.07 => $1.41
Average Price of Regular Gas under 7 years of Bush: $1.41 => $3.57 *
Note that the price of gas in Euros has only gone up 48%; the price in US dollars has gone up 153%. Connection?
That's right, we don't want that kind of hell, we want the hell where no one has an education that wasn't received at home, and where people hate their bodies and realize that they are all inherently evil
Your personal comprehension fails to pick up the clue that the current president managed to bankrupt the US in at least three ways...any change will be an improvement. The real remedy, however, may take decades.
Well, Hillary does say that she believes every word of the Bible to be true and she wants to "obliterate Iran," so I guess, for once, WorldWarDaily is right about something. America can't survive 4 years of John McCrazy or 4 more years of the Billary. Obama is easily the least of the 3 evils.
Well, you people didn't notice all of Bush's mistakes, so I think she'd have to blow up a few countries before you'd pay any attention. Then again, she's a Democrat , so it's possible that even if she funds the cancer researcher that cures it you'd think she was the ultimate evil.
People like you should not be allowed to vote. I mean, I don't like her much either, but geeze, get some perspective.
Like what? An economy so far down the toilet it reached the oceans, a major city left helpless after a major disaster, an hitherto unthinkable and simultaneous failure of intelligence/antiterrorist activities that led to four terrorist hijackings on the same day, corruption elevated to the main if not only instrument of policy and enough unlawful activities to warrant impeachment a hundred times?
How would that be any different than 7 years under His Regal Bushness?
"a person like Hillary Clinton"?
What is it about her person that you fear, Davy-boy? Her intelligence? Her high education? Her productivity? The respect she is shown by dignitaries from around the world? Her independence from her owner, I mean husband? It’s the last one, isn’t it?
You elevated a person like George W Bush to the presidency and hell was unleashed in America, in the form of several terrorist attacks. Hell was also unleashed on the world in his second term, when he "helped" cause the world economy dive into free-fall. President Obama is doing his best to remedy some of the problems caused then, but you're hampering and impeding him at every step you can. Why? It’s almost as if you LIKE hell
"Of course, nobody would be able to prove any cause and effect."
- Yes, I have noticed that the people who call Baby Bush one of the best presidents ever tend to have a very hard time understanding cause and effect.
Why would elevating "a person like" Hillary Clinton to the presidency unleash anything? You've had imbeciles, an ex-b-rate movie actor with Alzheimers, pretty-boys and a guy in wheelchair. You'll handle a well-educated, well-spoken, well-bred person.
Elevating a person like Dubbya to the presidency unleashed economic chaos, not just in the US, but in the whole world, and we have only just crawled out of the pit he created.
This is how fast they started, 2008 near the end of an obvious disastrous two terms of lies and economic ruin from the Republican team of ghoul and W Dumbfuck. With Caribou Barbie and Whitebread Mcain promising to stay the course into the shithole after delivering whatever left of worth to the 1%.
This is the immediate response on the right to the worst president ever. "Let's do it again"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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