"I often ask Christians if they believe Ghandi will go to hell, despite all the good things he did, because he wasn't a Christian. This religion believes that benevolent people like Ghandi will receive the exact same punishment as monsters like Hitler. That. Is. Fucked. Up."
Well, that's fundies you're talking to. A great many Christians (that I know, anyway), would agree that this brand of "theology" is beyond fucked up. Fundies, though, have to cling to this idea because it is the only way they can justify:
a) Believing that Christianity (specifically their brand of it) is the only true religion.
b) Believing that they can get into heaven despite being despicable assholes themselves.
Truth is, most of the fundamentalists I've ever met are pretty scummy people. They have no problem worshipping with the masses on Sunday, and then the other six days cheating their neighbor, cheating on each other, engaging in unethical business practics, etc. Then it's back to Sunday where they are reminded "no matter how bad you are, you believe in Jesus so you're a-okay!"
That covers B. A is important because if they EVER doubted that their belief system was false, they might actually have to change their behaviors and actually work at being decent human beings.