(when asked what creationist "kind" different species of bird were)
They're all called gulls because they all look like gulls. They're all called the gull kind, because they look like gulls.
@ Sandwich Board,
A gull.
Common Seagull
Of course! It all makes sense now! Can't you see all these other birds are gulls, too!
Scarlet Macaw
Zebra Finch
Emperor Penguin
Jungle Fowl (the ancestors of domestic chickens)
Golden Eagle
Mandarin Duck
DO NOT be fooled by their appearance everyone!!! They're all gulls!!!1! OrangeWizard says so!11!oneeleven!1!!
Ummm... yeah, then explain, oh, the eagle, the raven, the sparrow....
"They're all called gulls because they all look like gulls. They're all called the gull kind, because they look like gulls."
Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
Although, to be fair, distinguishing between species of gull is a notoriously difficult problem in taxonomic circles and a source of perpetual debate.
In effect, they're all transitional species of each other! Hah, take that, creationists!
Not all birds are the gull kind.
Some are the boy kind.
The bee kind are involved, too, but I'll tell you about that when you're older.
I predict a mega-church in your future. You have already mastered the First Secret Commandment:
If you can't dazzle the sheep with brilliance, bamboozle them with bullshit. You'll go far in the right circles, but not here.
Once upon a time in the navy, whilst I was on daytime starboard watch underway, one of the watches announced on the sound powered phone that he had spotted "a bee one arr dee, and it looked to him like a gee you eleven", and one of the idiots ran in to inform the officer of the deck of that spotting.
( B 1 R D --- G U 11 )
Well they all have wings, a beak, a tail, and they fly, so why not lump them all together? Those silly definitions like "species" are something only those scientists with too much time on their hands need to worry about.
I bet this is the same "kind" of person that would insist that a year consists of four seasons, there are four times of day, and a rainbow has seven colors. After all, winter is different from summer, morning looks like morning, and red is not at all like green, right?
I was all eager to bucket more well-deserved shit on Orange Wizards Fundie ass, but I can't do it.
Here's what you see when you click on the link:
(1st spr) You said we named those animals gulls because of the traits that make them the same kind.
(OW) No, I said that they share a commonality. They're all called gulls because they all look like gulls. They're all called the gull kind, because they look like gulls.
The 'context statement' preceding the quote above is just plain wrong. OW's response is tightly quote-mined. His full paragraph seems obscure but need not necessarily be so in the context of the discussion, which the link does not point to.
His statement is actually uncontentious. Mostly, the different breeds of gull around the world are called gulls because they look like (other species of) gull. IE, when asked "What are gulls", we point at the birds, rather than the dictionary. No, he's not saying all birds are gulls.
Yes he's a Fundie, but this isn't a darnedest thing.
It's a shame. I was hoping to make a good pun on the idea that it's actually Fundies who are gulls.
Oh yeah, I remember hearing about gulls stealing small pets and even small children that were left unprotected out in the open. Then they'd take their prey somewhere in the trees where they could kill it an eat it in peace. Damn those vicious, majestic eagle gulls!
So Noah wouldn't have needed to take two of these, since they are obviously of the "mouse" kind.
PS, this is a brown antechinus, a marsupial - not remotely related to a "real" mouse.
"The 'context statement' preceding the quote above is just plain wrong. OW's response is tightly quote-mined. His full paragraph seems obscure but need not necessarily be so in the context of the discussion, which the link does not point to.
His statement is actually uncontentious. Mostly, the different breeds of gull around the world are called gulls because they look like (other species of) gull. IE, when asked "What are gulls", we point at the birds, rather than the dictionary. No, he's not saying all birds are gulls. "
I agree; OrangeWizard doesn't express it very well (although, contrary to some claims here, the part quoted isn't circular), but what it boils down to is just plain phenetics; while outdated, it's not exactly WTF?! material.
There are two separate species of squirrels on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon. These species cannot interbreed, even when given the opportunity.
In all other respects, these two species are essentially identical.
Are you telling me that your deity made a seemingly endless variety of dogs all capable of interbreeding but made two nearly identical squirrels as completely separate kinds?
...What? You guys, I was talking about gulls, not roosters, vultures, parrots or any other KIND of bird.
How did you manage to stretch "Kinds" into "Anything that has any one similarity"?
Well, how could anyone think that every single breed of dog in the world evolved from wolves? I mean... put an Irish Wolfhound next to a toy poodle and chiwowa (Okay, I KNOW that is horrible, horrible spelling there, but I'm too lazy atm to look up the proper spelling lol)and you tell me how two wolves created even just those three breeds over time. Not to mention all the other dogs of varying shapes, sizes and temperaments. I am by no means an expert on the subject of evolution, but saying that all the dogs and birds evolved from two wolves or two gulls is beyond being a stretch.
Yeah, all birds are gulls named Jonathan Livingstone. Even the female ones.
("What's for supper?" "Kentucky Fried Gull.")
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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