I won't go into a big boring thing here....but I was studying the String Theory:
The Superstring theory is based on 10 or 11 dimensions. The Bosonic string theory has 26 dimensions. Gravity is the only real force in the theory. It says only four of the ten dimensions can be observed by us, and that the others hint at the other forces that are observed. It does not say that other physics theories are not true, or wrong.
String theory has led to advances in the mathematics of folding, knots and Calabi-Yau spaces. this is from http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory ( I only posted that so people would know what I was talking about).
This whole thing went round in round in my head. I prayed about it. The next week I was reading Hebrews 1:8. It is talking about Jesus' ability to 'fold up the universe like a garment'.
Here was this supposing 'out of date' Bible totally describing something considered a part of the latest in physic theories. It was an incredible moment and caused quite a stir of discussion in class.
I'm not going into real detail on why this is so important....but if we could ONLY begin to grasp the fact that God isn't subject to our 3D world and time, it would explain so many things that perlexes us and cause us to lose faith.
God doesn't just love us from the 'outside'....He is totally interwoven with us.
So a complex unification of four natural forces, each one of which is its own separate and complex concept in the field of physics, can be summed up by one Bible verse?
Gee, I wonder why the ancient Israelites didn't write down any theoretical physics when they were obviously so advanced thanks to their God.
Baha - he's linking to the Simple English Wikipedia. For those that don't know, Simple English is meant for people learning English, for children, and for those with learning difficulties. The articles are simple both in language and in content.
I suppose the "full" English article was too much for him.
You don't understand string theory. The amount of people who actually understand string theory worldwide could all be in my living room and not be squeezed for space. But from what I understand, it's solely based in mathematics right now and is making little in the way of testable predictions, as the energies required are far from our reach to create.
Yeah, it's just another proof of rapture comment saying God will fold up the universe like a garment, throw it out and build a new world. Its a metaphor for the end of the world you retard. Anyway, proves god is a woman because real men don't fold their garments. Especially if we're going to chuck them.
but I was studying the String Theory:
What has the word "study" ever done to you, that you should treat it so cruelly?
Why the fuck does a string theory article even exist on the simple-English site? Simple-English is barely adequate to explain high-school science, let alone the stuff of Nobel prize winning multi-phds. The best you could do is edit it to say: "Give up now. There's no fucking chance you could grasp even the preamble to this." (And, being the simple-English version, they might have trouble with "preamble")
All the signs are screaming "exquisitely well crafted Poe" at me, but there's just some small, horrified part of my mind that suspects it really could be genuine.
EDIT: Fuck me, not only is the science link in simple-English, but the bible link is KJV! You evidently find regular wikipedia too difficult, yet you don't anticipate comprehension problems reading Early Modern English???
If God wanted to tell us about the string theory, you'd think He'd have put something about topological isomorphism, bijective functions, differentiable manifolds, etc. in the Bible. I mean, talking about "folding up the universe like a garment" is not exactly helpful. I'm sure none of the mathematicians who developed this stuff used the Bible as a source of inspiration. Likewise, I'm sure the bronze age Arab goat herders who wrote the Bible would have had any idea what the hell the string theorists were talking about.
String theory is something I don't pretend to understand beyond the qualitative basics (I tried reading Green, Schwartz and Witten and was lost before I completed the first chapter) but I am 100% sure that the Bible didn't predict it. Incidentally, the verse that talks of the world folding like a garment ("vesture" in KJV) is Hebrews 1:12, not 1:8, and in context is referring to God and Jesus remaining constant as the world changes. (The discrepancy in the reference might be a clue that this isn't what it seems - fundies tend to cite the right verses even when their interpretations make no earthly sense.)
Holy fuck, so this is what happens when a fundie tries to understand physics...
...and linking to the simple English wiki? ROFL.
I don't know, and I won't pretend to know, what string theory is. However, due to the fact that this is a christian posting on it, I can pretty much guarantee that this is not what it is.
The amount of people who have a working understanding of string theory are not that few. As in I would claim that at my uni at least there are 3 professors, several postdocs and I would even count one or two grad students in the pile. And that is only in the physics department. The math people are also very well into it.
Energy is the limiting factor for in lab (i.e. accelerators) experiments. There indeed we are very far from testable predictions. But we do have access to a natural lab via studying cosmology. There we do see the start of reasonable attempts being made by string theorists to provide testable predictions.
Yeah, and when the Bible mentioned sea monsters and dragons, it really meant dinosaurs... It is amazing how all of these scientific discoveries were in the Bible all along, but no one knew about them until humans thought them up.
Hebrews 1:8
But to the Son He says:
“ Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
What does this have to do with string theory?
This whole thing went round in round in my head. I prayed about it.
I've got a dollar that says Jehovah failed to send you a detailed revelation about 11-dimensional spacetime. You'd have learned more with some extra online research.
I'm not going into real detail on why this is so important....
Then why did you bring it up?
...if we could ONLY begin to grasp the fact that God isn't subject to our 3D world and time...
Santa Claus, a man who travels the world in the span of one night, bringing presents to every good child, isn't subject to 4-dimensional restrictions either.
Big words are of the devil so the fundies made a version for the homeschooled.
I learn English and I think it is a good ressource if your grasp on English isn't good or you just want to get a quick summary of a topic. It is not a fundie concept though. If you think it is fundie read their article on evolution!
In other news: Fundie, what are the NEXT things the bible will say about physics? You don't know? Too bad, it's almost as if it can only `predict' things after they happened with it. ;)
Liar. Hebrews 1:8 says no such thing...
"But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom."
Fucking clueless fool. You have mixed your woefully inadequate knowledge of string theory with your crackpot sky fairy voodoo and come up with nonsense.
Still, I suppose you can get some sense of achievement out of that...
Canadiest wrote
That's because the Bible says the sky is like a sheet of fabric with the stars attached to it, and that it has doors
Don't forget the 'windows of heaven' from Genesis.
Jesus was the son of a woman named Mary, my mom's name is Mary, does that make me the Son of God? if so I declare all that show care for fellow humans shall be accepted into heaven, while those that use my supposed word as proof for your beliefs, though the one most often used is bullshit.
So, based on an incomplete and simplistic definition of a scientific theory in simplistic language and an equally simplistic understanding of your Wholly Babble, you purport to do what nobody else has has been able to do before and successfully marry science and religion?
Please pardon me while I laugh in your face.
Oh, and that little part about God not just loving us from the outside? Yeah, the way you so artfully avoided saying that God loves us from the inside just tickles me. From the inside. Where God is, you know, touching me in fun places.
Imroy: FYI I have dyslexia. The simple english wiki helps me grasp a concept before I use the full wiki. Please don't diss it ;)
As for this article, it just made me smirk. As for god is interwoven in us, that just opens a can of worms. xD
Oh: Hebrews 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
The right passages:
1:11 They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment;
1:12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
Doesn't sound like theoretical physics to me... *scratches head*
This seems to be the fundy approach to science:
#1 - Brush it off; "That Large Hadron Collider is a big waste of money. All it is is a machine built by scientists who want to thumb their noses at god."
#2 - Demonize it; "That Hadron collider may just open up a rip in the space time continuum and allow the anti-christ to enter our world. This is what happens when scientists play god!"
#3 - Ignoring the results; "Those Higgs Boson's dont prove anything. They just made that crap up! I also heard that Higgs Boson denounced his findings and found faith in Jesus on his death bed!"
#4 - Integrating the results; "It is absolutely conclusive that not only do Higgs Boson's exist, but they also confirm God and the book of Genesis. Why did those scientists even waste their money? This obscure and generalized bible verse already had the answer they were looking for!"
Please, please, guys, don't discourage him...
I totally want to see him fold a garment into a Calabi-Yau manifold!
Using Simple English Wikipedia is the last thing I'll fault this guy for. A lot of articles on specialized topics are pretty well incomprehensible if you don't have any experience in the field.
Simplified wording doesn't help there. You might as well try to learn fluid mechanics without first having learnt vector notation, or transmission line theory without complex notation. There is a reason why complicated science uses complicated language, and it is pretty much the same reason that modern computer software is not written in machine code.
I won't fault the guy for recognising that simple English may be the appropriate level for him; what I will fault him on is trying to use it at a level that it is utterly unsuited for. If you can't handle a motorcycle then, by all means, get a pushbike; but don't then try to join Hell's Angels!
Begin with a gross oversimplification and down right fabrication about an unproven theory. (Gravity's the only force? Really?) Check.
Use this totally irrelevant starting point to show that the Bahble is, like, totally a science book because it mentions words that are similar to words in said unproven theory. Check.
Bold and highlight said words as though all around you will be stunned into silence with the emphatic nature of your brilliance. Check.
If I were a betting man (which, as it happens, I am), I would place a wager that you don't actually know what you're talking about, GloryB.
Okay, this individual does not make any sense - but he/she/it does have one point ... "God doesn't just love us from the 'outside'....He is totally interwoven with us."
If only he/she/it followed that statement and the rest of these fundies would realize the truth of that statement.
But, unfortunately, folks like this individual think they have a straight line to God, but in fact, they have a straight line up God's rear end.
(BTW - I am technically a Christian - but with strong Celtic and Buddist leanings.)
There is an old India fairy tale that says one of their gods has the entire universe down his throat. That doesn't mean this old fairy tale is discussing black holes.
As for it going around your head... with enough self delusion, you can convince yourself that book has the recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
DUDE! If you are going to quote scripture - at least get the verse right! Hebrews 1:8 is this:
"But God said about his Son, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter in your kingdom is a scepter for justice."
What he is *actually* talking about is Hebrews 1:10-1:12
1:10 And, "In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.
1:11 They will come to an end, but you will remain forever. They will all wear out like clothes.
1:12 You will roll them up like a robe, and they will be changed like clothes. But you remain the same, and your life will never end."
Apparently metaphor is lost on this guy.
@Darth Wang:
Daniel 2:21-22;
He changes times and seasons;
(Clearly a reference to the various geological eras)
He sets up kings and deposes them.
(Such as the dinosaurs, and before them the synapsids)
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to the discerning.
(Referring to our evolution of bigger brains)
He reveals deep and hidden things;
He knows what lies in darkness,
(Meaning fossils, natch!)
And light dwells with him.
(And a bit of sucking up to finish.)
It's not even a challenge.
"Here was this supposing 'out of date' Bible totally describing something considered a part of the latest in physic theories. It was an incredible moment and caused quite a stir of discussion in class. "
And yet the bible says the world is flat. How do you explain that?
There are several signs that this isn't a good fundy quote.
1. He is utilizing a scientific discipline to combine his Christian belief with evidence. That by itself should dismiss the quote from being on this site.
2. He is misquoting a verse from the Bible. Normally, fundies make sure they quote their holy text accurately (or at least the verse), and it's worrying that such a mistake would be make. Makes me wonder if this isn't a troll/poe.
So this guy has string theory wrong, so what? A truly fundie approach to string theory would be "OMggg!!!11!!! That's not in the Bible, it must be evil, so it doesn't exist!" The fact that he's trying to align his faith and what he understands about science (even if it's wrong) is actually pretty cool.
I'm atheist, but I'm sick of atheist fundamentalism. I get the point of laughing and gasping at comments about creationism and abuse, but this post about string theory is completely unassuming and harmless. For an anti-fundie stance to make any sense at all, it needs to take into account the fact that religion does not equal fundamentalism.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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