Yeah, exactly. We can set aside fenced off areas for each and every weirdo group in the society ....the cocksuckers area, the breastfeeding area, the fuckers area, the pot smokers area, the heroin freaks area, the booze hound area, the murderers gathering place, the rapists groups, the pedophile group, ........., and any and all such groups ..we just set aside those areas and anyone who wants to do or see the fun can just join right in.
After all, a society should be forced to accept any and all people, with any and all weird and strange ideals and habits, right?
Murderers, rapists and paedophiles harm other people, and they belong in prison for life.
If you gave upt the crazy idea that you can actually prohibit narcotics and allowed them to be produced and sold without human rights abuses, then the rest of those things would be victimless crimes, and yes you have to accept them.
Actually, fenced off areas for murderers and rapists might work, since only murderers and rapists would be allowed in them, murderers would only be able to kill other murderers and rapists would get a taste of their own medicine.
Also: A pot smokers area? I'm there!
Except for activities that harm others, the best advice I have for you is to simply mind your own fucking business, and leave other people alone.
Society accepts you and your weird and fucked up ideas and habits. Quid pro quo, fucktard.
Breastfeeding, cocksucking, and fucking are weird? Those are all pretty normal human activities. Two of those are generally done in private, so there's not much need for a separate area for people who do them. The other (it's breastfeeding, by the way) isn't anything that should have to only be done in private.
It would be easier to set aside an area for the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou fundies who want to tell everyone else what to do and let them beat the shit out of each other over whether or not women should wear pants or people should listen to country music. Then the rest of us can just obey civil law without someone waving the King James Bible at us and telling us we're suppose to stone gays to death and keep our wives barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
Plainly sarcasm, right?
the breastfeeding area
You what? o.O
Does this mean I can't be in the pot smoking area and the fucking area at the same time? I don't think my individual needs are being adequately accomodated. It should be an 11-dimensional Venn diagram, with some overlap between the pot smoking and the rape and the cocksucking and the heroin and everything. So you don't have to choose just one!
Now Breastfeeding is a weird and strange idea or, I wonder how your granparents, and consequently you, survived.
Wow, you want to sepeare yourself from "the fuckers" ? Um... you planning to live alone? Seriously, even your parents are gonna be with the fuckers, Max!
Alright, well, have fun with the celebates, watching your group die out because you're not producing any babies. We "fuckers" are gonna have a good ol' time, and ensure the survival of the species =)
Wow, you just proved Darwin right-- the fittest survive, and sexually repressed idiots like you die out. =)
"After all, a society should be forced to accept any and all people, with any and all weird and strange ideals and habits, right?"
Well, we have to 'accept' you , so I guress you're right.
After all, a society should be forced to accept any and all people, with any and all weird and strange ideals and habits, right?"
As long as those "strange ideals and habits" don't hurt anyone else, precisely.
Society even accepts fundies as long as they don't go around stoning people to death.
I may be a virgin, but if Baron Max ever takes over, I wanna be put into one of the cool fenced off areas, like the fuckers. >>
Here's my problem with B. Max's plan. I am a pot-smoking fucker and a booze hound and many of my friends are cocksuckers. I am ashamed to admit it, but I also have friends and family who are into breastfeeding. What fence do I get to be in, and will I be able to visit with friends of mine who belong to these other weirdo groups?
I propose this friendly amendment of the B.Max proposal, which I think will ameliorate the problem mentioned above. We could place fences within fences. For example I would live within a big fence reserved for fuckers. Inside this fence would be a smaller fence reserved for fuckers who are also booze-hounds. Inside of that fence would be another fence for booze-hound fuckers who smoke up (my little corner of paradise). So given enough fencing and a a sort of Venn system of nested containment, all weirdos would find themselevs fenced just right.
However, before my modification of the B. Max-Venn Weirdo Internment System (as I like to call it) is implemented on a large scale, it would just make sense to try it with say 100 volunteers, who fit into a limited and well defined number of weirdo categories--say breast feeders, pedophiles and murderers. In my experience, there are always kinks in planning these kinds of internment regimes, and its best to have some data about what we can expect when we begin fencing off all the weirdos.
May I suggest that this internement take place in northern Utah somewhere? The mountains are so pretty there.
I think by "breastfeeding" he means "public breastfeeding."
Because it turns him on, and that distresses him.
I see the problem with requiring a great deal of fenced areas to accomodate not only every weirdo group, but "combination weirdos" as I like to call them. Would it be too kind to allow limited travel among the different weirdo camps? I mean as long as the weirdos are properly fenced from non-weirdo people that should be fine.
On the other hand, there are many fewer non-weirdos than weirdos. Non-weirdos may be better served by building themselves a fence to live in. There is a lot of space in Greenland for such a thing, real-estate is a steal, and I hear that the aurora borealis is breathtaking. While I would miss all the bible-thumping, war-mongering, and hilarious hypocrisy of the confidently stupid, I wouldn't begrudge the nonweird the chance to make a fresh start in a cold, clean land where no-one is ever forced to see a bared breast.
This Venn diagram is sounding complex.
What if I want to be an atheist, but also support breastfeeding and I might be pro-choice?
Is there a chapter of Tree-Huggers that is also in all these areas?
I mean, even to simplify each of these to a yes or no choice, you're looking at a 9-dimensional area, which would require up to 512 areas.
Have you really thought this out at all? For every extra group you add, you also have to double the number of areas.
Not to mention the logistics of allowing people to change, the separation of parents from children based on their views alone, and .... etc.
As a mother who advocates breast feeding as beneficial both econimically and health-wise, I am shocked to have seen it included in this list of "deviant" behavior. Only three of them are truly appaling (murder rape, pedophilia), while three are treatable with medical help (pot, heroine, and alcohol), and the remaining two can be fun depending on your position--pun intended.
Gotta give you credit: Not even Hitler was that crazy!
"Und ve vill ERADICATE ze sexually inclined and zose who would feed zeir babies! WHO IZ WITH ME?!"
"I think I speak for everyone here when I say: What the Hell, Max?! Also, that accent sucks...."
I should like to submit my application for the Victoria's Secret Temptresses quarter of the Fuckers camp, please.
Of all the kooky fundie assertions, how exceptionally nutso is the one that it's immoral to nurse your child? Especially because the only justification they can usually summon is a woman's breasts belong to her husband, and it's wrong to expose the child to something sexual.
You fail harder than Elvis on the toilet.
Yes, fence them in. Fence everybody in until you've surrounded yourselves with your fencing, pent in and no longer a part on society. You won't have a problem with that, right? Then everybody else can leave and the world will move on.
The problem with the idea of fences is that others will be able to see into the fenced off areas, so I propose replacing the fences with brick walls.
It would also make sense to then provide some sort of protection from the weather for each area,- after all, nobody likes cocksucking in the rain-, so I also propose some sort of roofing arrangement.
Then we need to think of a name for this whole system, i propose.... Housing.
There is already a fenced off section for murders, pedophiles and's called PRISON!
I do not mind hanging out at the pot area. I bet that area have plenty of restaurants and nachos and cool music.
Murderers, rapists, and paedophiles already have their own area. It's called prison.
However, a cocksuckers' area doesn't sound like a bad idea...
Self-conflicted, confused. You say that society should accept everything, likely ironically, then advocate to allow it, but to extremely stratify it. Law codes to manage societies appear almost as early as writing. Of course, some of those law codes may be perceived as primitive today, as awareness, ethics and humanism progressed. Law codes usually have clauses to deal with the abuse of others, in terms of compensation or sanctions. Some behaviors do obviously harm others. You can't pretend that rape and having a beer are of the same gravity, it's obviously a false equivalence. Isolating people away from society for breastfeeding when it may occur to most women? Just fucking stupid. What "cocksuckers" do in private with consenting adults is none of your business. It also doesn't define their life. And if you've experienced sex, I hope that you also experienced foreplay.
And... what was this trolling doing on science forums?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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