Preterist #fundie

Every time I deal with "evolutionists," I am given links to the works of others. Why? Because the vast majority of people who claim the "truths" of evolution cannot themselves produce one fact that they themselves have witnessed. They rely totally on the studies of others. Prove the so-called truths of evolution and the "pseudoscience" of Creationism, MRiedl. Prove in your own words through your own research that evolution is true!

If you take the word of others who have done the actual research, then YOU are operating on faith. I, on the other hand, who can do my own research by simply studying the functions of my own magnificent body and can walk out the door into nature and research the evidences for creation found in the animal and plant kingdom alone, do not have to rely on the teachings of scientists. It's all right there in front of me to accept or reject!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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