"Stoning unruly children to death is not my idea of justice."
You mean dashing their heads against rocks. God's justice is not cruel, it's justifiable. The children of heathen cultures grow up to be adversaries of God. A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss afterward is an inconcievable price to pay for eternity with God.
You are the most seriously fucking sick individual I've ever read a quote from on here.
Congrats, you horrible fuck.
Child killin' fer jeebus!
But then there was, that bit about the millstone about the neck for whoever harms one of the little ones, but never you mind...
Child killin' fer jeebus!
Yeah, since I'm so nice, I'm going to get a mech over to your house and crush your cars and maybe part of your house too.
And then I'll buy you a house and new cars, but they're in Germany.
Yeah, God's a great guy.
he said sarcastically
Ah, Christian justification of child murder.
In the words of the mighty Geaorge Carlin: "If you're preborn, you're fine. Preschool, you're fucked."
The Spectre does some warped shit in the name of justice, and yet everything he does is far better than your ideas. (Most of that probably comes from his going mainly after adults, and his twisted sense of irony.)
He's right, it IS an inconcievable price to pay.
However, he's theologically wrong. It's not 'killed child gets heaven', it's 'killed child gets hell.' And biblically wrong. It's not Heathen children should be killed, it's 'unruly children'.
I'd score him 1 out of 3 for getting the first one right, but I suspect that it was only by accident.
"You mean dashing their heads against rocks"
Yeah, bastards, this is an important distinction.
"The children of heathen cultures grow up to be adversaries of God. "
See, I like this guy. You know those other annoying pansies that preach love and finding the light and sending sinners into the loving arms of Jesus? Nephilim here knows that one must replace the term "the loving arms of Jesus" with "a giant fucking rock". Makes perfect sense to me. What's not justifiable about smashing the heads of small children?
"A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss"
Here, he is undoubtedly referring to the state of being one gets after the massive brain damage.
Shit, I guess you can't be a heathen if you're too busy petting bunnies.
You could used this reasoning of Nephilim not only to defend abortions, but to advocate abortions to every pregnant woman:
Look, a baby automatically gets to heaven, as fundamentalists like NephilimFre believe.
So lets see, as soon as a baby is born, it is in constant danger of doing things, that condemn it to hell to eternity, like, for example, not accepting Jesus as savior. Even the best education by the parents cannot eliminate this danger.
So the only right step that a loving parent can take is, to ensure that his child definitely gets to heaven, i.e. by aborting it, before it is born and therefore in danger of going to hell. A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss afterward is an inconcievable price to pay for eternity with God.
The thing is, I'm not as disturbed as I should be by this since I've seen just as bad from reading this site (like that kid who got hung from an overhead fan or whatever it was for not memorizing the Qu'ran).
That said, DIE IN A FIRE.
You mean dashing their heads against rocks. God's justice is not cruel, it's justifiable. The children of heathen cultures grow up to be adversaries of God. A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss afterward is an inconcievable price to pay for eternity with God.
So...when my 8 year old son starts cutting up and getting lippy I should smash his brain in with a rock rather than giving him a "time out"? Hey, I won't say I haven't been tempted sometimes (joke) but a sentence of death for a smart mouth seems on the steep side.
Oh, and you may find that law enforcement authorities disagree with your assessment of what constitutes proper disciplinary methods.
You mean dashing their heads against rocks.
No, he really does mean stoning your own children to death if they question your authority or fail to show respect. The bible contains instructions to do both.
I'd say it's a poe, but this kind of thinking IS the logical result of following scriptures. Welll... it's ONE of the logical results, if you read one passage and not another, I guess.
"...A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss afterward is an inconcievable price to pay for eternity with God."
He's right. It is inconceivable. At least, I can't conceive of anything more ridiculous.
Would you demonstrate this for us? I volunteer to crush your skull.
"inconc[ie]vable" ... I agree, the concept is inconceivable, but I don't think that is the word you wanted.
The children of heathen cultures grow up to be adversaries of God. A few seconds of pain with an eternity of bliss afterward is an inconcievable price to pay for eternity with God.
But those children of heathen cultures DON'T ACCEPT JESUS! That means they spend an eternity in hell...
Isaiah 5:20
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness..."
Looks like another contradiction in the bible.
I thought those children went to hell?
And...by this statement, isn't aborting children BEFORE they become sinful adults instead of hellbound adversaries of God justifiable?
Christianity is full of weird quirks and situations like that. Its ethics are deplorable, laughable, and based entirely on the whims of this fantastical God.
It's so funny!
Sick asshole. That's not any form of 'justice' - it's evil, Satanic, cowardly, and murderous. Obviously this asshole thinks 'Thous shalt not kill' has exceptions when it's 'children of heathen cultures'.
Your god is so incompetent that he has to murder children because they won't grow up to believe in him. Look how well that worked out, most people today still know it's bullshit. You christians are such pussies, you're too lazy to be good people so you just tell yourselves if you believe the right fairy tales you get to Heaven. You're the reason the world sucks. So yeah, if you get raptured, we're all gonna party.
You misunderstood. The law says that if a child disrespects his parents (in a holy community) that he is to be taken to the leaders and publicly stoned to death.
Bashing heads against the rocks was for enemy children.
Read your fucking bible.
NephilimFree has managed to taek top spot in my list of "Scary Fundies".
Oh, and "inconcievable" is an oddly apt word choice...
But if they're heathens, you're sending them to Hell before they can be saved.
You monster, JESUS WOULDN'T STONE ANYONE! This passage, I remember it clearly, the very seat I was sitting in during high school theology, when I read that and decided the Bible could not be God's perfect, infallible Word.
"[Me: "Development of resistance [in bacteria] IS a morphological change."]
When you made this statement, I removed all others and blocked you. You're not worthy of my time. Study what morphology is. If you don't even understand that much, you're not going to take up my time."
And then he starts responding to my posts (that he supposedly deleted) after blocking me.
What an asshole. And learn some basic biology.
Well, people, this certainly explains why all these fundies are so damn dumb: they all had their heads bashed in as children in the name of "justice" and thus they lost brain cells in the process.
And, what a sick child-abusing fuck.
Anyone here watch "The Outer Limits"? Late last night they showed the ep, "Rite of Passage." It's about a young human couple who fights to get their baby back from some aliens. In the end it turns out that the aliens are the ones who resurrected the human race, because they saw value in a species that could, eventually, learn to value diversity and even work to preserve it.
My point: NephilimFree would no doubt think such a script should have gotten the writers stoned. He also seems incapable of realizing diversity can be a good thing, much less that killing a child for merely being unruly is a bad idea. Therefore, he is one person I don't see those aliens ever bringing back.
Except since you are killing them in their defiance, there is no bliss afterwards, even by your own scripture. You're damning your own children to an eternity in hell, just for backtalking you. What a wonderful parent you are.
Never fucking reproduce.
This is the same crappy justification the Inquisitors used. Better to die on the rack while we try to save your immortal soul because you might repent and then we have saved your soul for an eternal life of bliss. And, if you die...well win some, lose some!!
By the way, you guys should check the source to this quote. The guy that said this is the guy that made the video. And he's probably commented a million times on his own video, ranting on and on.
I am pretty sure he is insane.
He presents a challenge in his video where he wants you to basically brainwash yourself.
I would really like to know where in the bible it says that paradise awaits unbaptized childrens. Last time I checked it said that everyone who does not accept Jezus as their saviour is destined to hell...
By the way, stay away from children, you sick, sick fuck.
There are much better ways, like taking away their allowances, toys, TV and computer time, use of telephones, etc.
David F Mayer
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